

  • sun-worship(n.)

    1670年代,源自于 sun(太阳)+ worship(崇拜)。相关词汇: Sun-worshipper(在宗教意义上的1670年代; 在晒太阳的爱好者意义上的1941年)。

  • supercilium(n.)

    "眉毛",1670年代,源自拉丁语 supercilium "眉毛; 山脊,山顶"; 比喻意义为"傲慢、自大、骄傲"(参见 supercilious)。

  • supermundane(adj.)

    "being above the world, superior to earthly things," 1670s, from Medieval Latin supermundanus (Aquinas); see super- + mundane.

  • supertemporal(adj.)

    also super-temporal, 1670s, "transcending time, independent of time," from super- + temporal (adj.1). By 1854 in anatomy as "situated above or up in the temporal region of the head," from temporal (adj.2).

  • sway-backed(adj.)

    据 OED 称,1670年代起源于斯堪的纳维亚,可能与过时的丹麦词 sveibaget 有关。参见 sway(v.)+ back(n.)。

  • swordsman(n.)

    1670年代,来自 sword + 属格 -s- + man(n.)。早期的词语是 swordman(14世纪晚期); 古英语中有 sweordfreca 表示同样的意思。相关词语: Swordsmanship(1765年)。

  • sycophantic(adj.)

    1670年代,源自希腊语 sykophantikos,来自 sykophantes(参见 sycophant)。相关词汇: Sycophantical(1560年代)。

  • sylphid(n.)

    “sylph”的年轻或小型变种,1670年代起源于法语词语 sylphide(1670年代),来自 sylphe (参见 sylph) + 指小的后缀。

  • synchoresis(n.)

    1670s, in rhetoric, "admission, concession," especially for the purpose of obviating an objection or retorting pointedly; from Latinized form of Greek synkhōrēsis "acquiescence, concession," from synkhōrein “come together, unite, concede," from syn- "together" (see syn-) + khōrein "give way, draw back," from khōros "place, space, free space, room" (from PIE root *ghē- "to release, let go; be released").

  • syncretize(v.)

    1670年代,源自希腊语 synkretizein 的拉丁化形式(参见 syncretism)。相关词汇: Syncretizedsyncretizing