地板材料的一种,1893年,源自意大利词语 terrazzo “露台,阳台”(参见 terrace)。
1893年,指身体伤口,1949年指心理创伤,源于希腊语单词 trauma 的词干 traumat-(见 trauma)。
舞蹈风格,1893年,源自 two + step(名词); 因音乐的拍子而得名(与三拍华尔兹有所区别)。但由于舞者所采取的姿势涉及直接接触,因此在当时引起了极大的丑闻,但也非常受欢迎。
A certain Division of an Auxiliary gave a dance not long since. I went and looked on. What did they dance? Two-step, two-step and two-step. How did they dance? When we used to waltz, we clasped arms easily, took a nice, respectable position, and danced in a poetry of motion. Now, girls, how do you two-step? In nine cases out of ten the dear girl reposes her head on the young man's shoulder, or else their faces press each other. He presses her to his breast as closely as possible, and actually carries her around. Disgraceful? I should say so. Do you wonder at the ministers preaching on dancing as a sin, when it looks like this to a woman like myself who believes in dancing and has danced all her life? Mothers, as you love your girls, forbid them to dance after this manner. [letter in the ladies' section of Locomotive Engineers' Monthly Journal, March 1898]
不久前,一个辅助部门举办了一场舞会。我去看了看。他们跳了什么舞?两步,两步和两步。How 他们跳了什么舞?当我们跳华尔兹时,我们轻松地交叉手臂,采取一个漂亮的, respectable 舒适的姿势,以诗意的动作跳舞。现在,女孩们,你们如何跳两步舞?十有八九,亲爱的女孩会把头靠在年轻人的肩膀上,或者他们的脸互相贴在一起。他尽可能紧紧地抱着她,实际上把她抱起来。可耻吗?我可以这么说。你是否对牧师们因跳舞而宣讲罪恶感到惊讶?对于像我这样相信跳舞并且一生都在跳舞的女人来说,这看起来就像这样。作为母亲,如果你爱你的女孩,请禁止她们以这种方式跳舞。[《机车工程师月刊》女士专栏,1898年3月]
To the Two Step may be accredited, serious injury to the Waltz, awkward and immodest positions assumed in round dancing, also as being a prominent factor in overcrowding the profession and causing a general depression in the business of the legitimate Master of Dancing. [The Director, March 1898]
"同性恋",1893年,源自于柏拉图的《饮宴篇》中对阿芙罗狄蒂的提及; Urania “天上的”(希腊语 Ourania; 参见 Uranus)是阿芙罗狄蒂的一个称号,因为她是乌拉诺斯的女儿,也因为她与普通的以情欲为主的维纳斯有所区别。
But the son of the heavenly Aphrodite is sprung from a mother in whose birth the female has no part, but she is from the male only; this is that love which is of youths only, and the goddess being older has nothing of wantonness. Those who are inspired by this love turn to the male, and delight in him who is the more valiant and intelligent nature; any one may recognize the pure enthusiasts in the very character of their attachments. [Benjamin Jowett, transl., 1874]
但是天上的阿芙罗狄蒂的儿子是由一个母亲生的,这个母亲在出生时没有女性的参与,而是只有男性的参与; 这就是只属于年轻人的爱,而女神年龄较大,没有任何淫乱的行为。那些被这种爱所激发的人会转向男性,并喜欢那些更勇敢、更聪明的人; 任何人都可以从他们的附属品中认出纯粹的狂热者。[本杰明·乔维特,翻译,1874年]
同时作为名词,“同性恋者”(1908年)。相关词汇 uranism “同性恋”(1893年)。
"Velox"是一种摄影印刷纸的类型,它是由 Leo Baekeland 在1893年申请专利的一种制造过程。1899年,Baekeland 以100万美元的价格将其卖给了 George Eastman,并用这笔钱建立了实验室,在那里他做出了伟大的塑料发现(参见 Bakelite)。