

  • inexperienced(adj.)

    "缺乏经验所获得的知识或技能",1620年代,来自 inexperience 的过去分词形容词。

  • inexpressible(adj.)

    1620年代,来自 in-(1)“不”+ expressible(见 express(v.))。Inexpressibles “裤子”出自1790年。相关: Inexpressibly

    I have retain'd the word BREECHES, as they are known by no other name amongst country folk.--The change from vulgarity to refinement, in cities and towns, has introduced other appellations; there they are generally called SMALL CLOTHES, but some ladies of high rank and extreme delicacy call them INEXPRESSIBLES. [footnote in "Poems Miscellaneous and Humorous," by Edward Nairne, Canterbury, 1791]
    我保留了“BREECHES”这个词,因为在乡村人中没有其他名称。——从粗俗到精致的转变,在城市和城镇中引入了其他称呼; 在那里,它们通常被称为 SMALL CLOTHES,但一些高贵而极其细致的女士称它们为 INEXPRESSIBLES。[脚注在“Poems Miscellaneous and Humorous”中,作者为 Edward Nairne,坎特伯雷,1791年]

    Inexpressibles 是最早记录的,因此似乎引发了这一趋势: Unmentionables(1806); indispensibles(1820); ineffables(1823); unutterables(1826); innominables(1827); 以及 inexplicables(1829)。

  • inextirpable(adj.)

    1620年代,来自 in-(1)“不,相反的”和 extirpable(见 extirpate)。

  • infibulate(v.)

    "用扣环、戒指、扣子等夹紧、束缚,尤指用于性器官,以防止性交",1620年代,源自拉丁语 infibulatus,是 infibulare 的过去分词,意为“用扣子关闭”,由 in-(来自 PIE 词根 *en “在”)和 fibula “扣子,别针”(来自 PIE 词根 *dheigw- “粘,固定”)组成。相关词: Infibulated

    This operation was very generally practised in antiquity upon both young men and young women, but in later times chiefly upon the latter; and it is said to be still in use in some parts of the East. [Century Dictionary, 1902]
    这种手术在古代普遍用于男女,但后来主要用于女性; 据说在东方的一些地区仍在使用。[世纪词典,1902年]
  • influx(n.)

    influx(16世纪)源自法语,或直接源自拉丁语 influxus “流入”,源自拉丁语 influere 的过去分词词干(参见 influence(n.))。最初用于河流、空气、光、精神光等; 从1650年代开始用于人类。

  • ingratiate(v.)

    1620年代,可能源自16世纪意大利语 ingraziarsi “使(自己)受欢迎”,或者是一种未记录的中世纪拉丁语 *ingratiatus,来自拉丁语短语 in gratiam “为了恩惠”,由 in “在”(来自 PIE 词根 *en “在”)和 gratia “恩惠,优雅”(来自 PIE 词根 *gwere-(2)“支持”)的后缀形式组成。相关词汇: Ingratiatedingratiating

  • inhalation(n.)

    1620年代,“吸入”,动作名词,源自拉丁语 inhalare 的过去分词词干,“吹气”,在此被用作“吸入”,由 in- “在……上”(源自 PIE 词根 *en “在……里”)和 halare “呼吸”组成。

  • initial(n.)

    "名字或姓氏的首字母",1620年代,来自 initial(形容词)在专业意义上的用法,即"位于单词、句子等开头的"(1620年代)。

  • injunctive

    1620年代,源自拉丁语 iniunct-,是 iniungere 的过去分词词干,意为“强加; 附加”(参见 injunction),加上 -ive 后缀而来。作为语法学术语,始于1910年。

  • inseminate(v.)

    1620年代,“播种”,源自拉丁语 inseminare 的过去分词 inseminatus,“播种,植入”,由 in- “在”(来自 PIE 根 *en “在”)和 semen(属格 semenis)的“种子”(来自 PIE 根 *sē- “播种”)组成。1897年开始有“用精液使某个体怀孕”的含义。

    It has seemed necessary, therefore, to make a distinction between the introduction of seminal fluid into the female generative organs of animals and the subsequent possible fertilisation of their ova, and for that purpose I have used the word "inseminate," which can thus be applied to animals in precisely the same way as the word "pollenate" is applied by some botanists to denote the placing of pollen on the stigma of a plant. [Walter Heape, "The artificial Insemination of Mammals," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, vol. lxi, 1897]

    相关词汇: Inseminatedinseminating