

  • tense(v.)

    "使紧张",1670年代,来自 tense(形容词); 不及物动词的意思是"变得紧张"(常用 tense up),记录于1946年。相关词汇: Tensedtensing

  • tern(n.)

    "类似海鸥的海鸟(亚科 Sterninae),1670年代,通过东安格利亚方言,源自斯堪的纳维亚语(比较丹麦语 terne,瑞典语 tärna,法罗语 terna),与古诺尔斯语 þerna “tern”(也是“女仆”的意思)相关,与古英语 stearn 同源。

  • terrapin(n.)

    北美龟,1670年代,早期 torope(1610年代),源自阿尔冈昆语源(例如阿巴纳基语 turepe,蒙西(特拉华)语 tolpew “龟”)。随后扩展到南美、东印度、中国、北非的相关物种。

  • theism(n.1)

    1670年代,“信仰一个或多个神灵”(与 atheism 相对); 到1711年,“信仰一个神”(与 polytheism 相对); 到1714年,“信仰上帝作为宇宙的创造者和统治者的存在”(与 deism 相对),通常是现代的意义; 见 theist + -ism

    Theism assumes a living relation of God to his creatures, but does not define it. It differs from deism in that the latter is negative and involves a denial of revelation, while the former is affirmative, and underlies Christianity. One may be a theist and not be a Christian, but he cannot be a Christian and not be a theist. [Century Dictionary]
  • thereness(n.)

    "condition or quality of having location, situation, or existence with respect to some point or place," 1670s; see there + -ness.

  • Thespian(adj.)

    1670年代,“与悲剧或戏剧表演有关的”,源自希腊 Thespis,公元前6世纪的伊卡利亚诗人,常被称为希腊悲剧之父。这个名字的字面意思是“受神灵启发的”。

  • thrill(n.)

    "一种颤抖、令人兴奋的感觉",来自 thrill(动词)。意思为"令人兴奋的经历",可追溯至1936年。

  • tickler(n.)

    1670s, "something puzzling or difficult," agent noun from tickle (v.). By 1715 as "one who or that which tickles" (tickler of Cat-guts = "fiddler"). As "memorandum book" (of names, etc., to aid or refresh the memory) by 1839. As a small bottle for whiskey, 1889.

  • tin-plate(n.)

    "sheet-iron coated in tin," 1670s, from tin (n.) + plate (n.).

  • toper(n.)

    "酗酒者",1670年代,来自 tope(动词)的代词。