

  • mandrake(n.)

    麻醉药物的旧世界植物,早在14世纪,称为 mondrake,也称为 mandragge,源自中世纪拉丁语 mandragora,来自拉丁语 mandragoras,来自希腊语 mandragoras,可能来自非印欧语言。这个词在古英语晚期和中古英语中以其拉丁形式存在; 民间词源学将第二个元素与 dragoun 联系起来,并用本土的 drake 代替它,尽管可能没有什么意义。人们认为这个分叉的根像人体,被拔出地面时会尖叫。这种植物被认为是一种壮阳药。

    Meanwhile it should not be forgotten that there was one magical possession, an idol of domestic superstition in mediaeval German households, which is said to have passed at the father's death to the youngest son upon condition that he performed certain heathenish rites in relation to the father's funeral. The "mandrake," a plant with broad leaves and bright yellow flowers and with a root which grew in a semi-human form, was found beneath the public gallows and was dragged from the ground and carried home with many extraordinary ceremonies. When secured it became a familiar spirit, speaking in oracles if properly consulted and bringing good luck to the household in which it was enshrined. [Charles Elton, "Origins of English History," 1882]
  • mandrel(n.)

    "矿工镐",1510年代,起源不明; 可能源自法语 mandrin,本身起源不明。从17世纪开始,也用于指在车床或圆锯上用于固定物品的条形或纺锤。

  • mandrill(n.)

    "最大、最丑陋、最凶猛的狒狒" [OED],1744年,可能最终源自西非语言,但形成了英语组成部分 man (n.) + drill (n.4) "狒狒",这是西非起源的。最早的参考资料报告说,这个名字是动物在"这个国家的白人所称呼的,但我不知道为什么要这样称呼它,我以前从未听说过这个名字,那些称呼它们的人也不能说出原因,除非是因为它们与人类生物非常相似,尽管完全不像猿。" [威廉·史密斯,《新几内亚之旅》]。法语 mandrill,西班牙语 mandril 似乎来自英语。

  • manes(pl.)

    在罗马宗教中,“被视为家族守护神的死者之灵”,源自拉丁语 manes “逝去的灵魂、幽灵、死者的阴影、地下神灵”,通常被认为与拉丁语 manus “好的” 有关,因此正确的意思是“好神灵”,是一个委婉的词。De Vaan 引用了古爱尔兰语 maith 、威尔士语 mad 、布列塔尼语 mat “好”的同源词。最终的词源不确定(参见 mature)。

    Three times a year a pit called the mundus was officially opened in the comitium of the Roman Forum, to permit the manes to come forth. The manes were also honored at certain festivals, as the Parentalia and Feralia; oblations were made to them, and the flame maintained on the altar of the household was a homage to them. [In this sense often written with a capital.] [Century Dictionary]
    每年三次,在罗马广场的 comitium 中正式开放一个名为 mundus 的坑,以便让 manes 出现。Manes 也在某些节日中受到尊敬,如 Parentalia 和 Feralia; 人们向他们献祭,家庭祭坛上的火焰是对他们的敬意。[在这个意义上通常大写。] [Century Dictionary]
  • mane(n.)

    "长在马、狮子和其他一些动物的颈背部的长发,"古英语 manu "马鬃",源自原始日耳曼语 *mano(源头还包括古诺尔斯语 mön,古弗里西亚语 mana,中古荷兰语 mane,荷兰语 manen,古高地德语 mana,德语 Mähne "鬃毛"),源自原始印欧语 *mon- "颈部,颈后"(源头还包括梵语 manya "颈后",古英语 mene "项链",拉丁语 monile "项链",威尔士语 mwng "鬃毛",古教会斯拉夫语 monisto,古爱尔兰语 muin "颈部")。斯堪的纳维亚语中有一个缩小形式的词(丹麦语 manke,瑞典语 manke)。引申用法,指人的头发,始于14世纪晚期。

  • man-eater(n.)

    “Man-eater”(食人者),也称为 maneater,始见于1600年,指“食人族”,由 man(男人)和 eater(食者)组成。1829年开始用于指代大白鲨; 1840年开始用于指印度老虎,它们已经习惯了食用人类肉体,有特别的倾向于杀害和食用人类; 后来也用于指狮子。此外,还用于指咬人的马(1840年)。1906年开始用于指女性(womanizer 的女性对应词)。相关词汇: Man-eating

    The term Man-eater is applied to those Tigers, which, deserting their usual haunts in the jungle, frequent the neighbourhood of Villages, and prey chiefly on men. They are almost invariably found to be old animals, and generally females. They are usually very cunning and cowardly. [Capt. Walter Campbell, "The Old Forest Ranger; or, Wild Sports of India," 1842]
    “食人者”这个词用于那些老虎,它们离开了通常的栖息地,来到村庄附近,主要以人类为食。它们几乎总是老年动物,通常是雌性。它们通常非常狡猾和胆小。——《印度的野生运动:老林地方程式》(The Old Forest Ranger; or, Wild Sports of India),沃尔特·坎贝尔上尉,1842年。
  • manege(n.)

    "1640年代,指“骑马学校,训练马匹和教授马术的学校”; 到1776年,“马术艺术,训练有素的马匹的动作”,源自法语 manège,来自意大利语 maneggio “驯马或训练马匹的处理”,源自 maneggiare “控制(马匹)”; 参见 manage(v.)。

  • maness(n.)

    "女人作为男人的女性形式," 1590年代,来自 man(n.)+ -ess

  • maneuver(n.)

    "计划中的军队或战舰的移动",1757年,源自法语 manoeuvre "操纵,策略",源自古法语 manovre "体力劳动"(13世纪),源自中世纪拉丁语 manuopera(西班牙语 maniobra 、意大利语 manovra 的来源),源自 manuoperare "用手工作",源自拉丁语 manu operari,源自 manumanus 的与格形式,意为"手"(源自 PIE 词根 *man-(2)"手")+ operari "工作,操作"(源自 PIE 词根 *op- "工作,大量生产")。

    同样的词在中古英语中从法语借入,意为"体力劳动"(15世纪末; 参见 manure)。一般意义上的"巧妙计划,独创方案",以及"敏捷或熟练的动作"(由人或动物执行)始于1774年。相关词汇: Maneuvers

    Coup de main, and Manoeuvre, might be excusable in Marshal Saxe, as he was in the service of France, and perfectly acquainted with both; but we cannot see what apology can be made for our officers lugging them in by head and shoulders, without the least necessity, as a sudden stroke might have done for one, and a proper motion, for the other. Reconnoitre is another favourite word in the military way; and as we cannot find out that it is much more significant than take a view, we beg leave it may be sent home again. ["The humble remonstrance of the mob of Great Britain, against the importation of French words, &c.," in Annual Register for the Year 1758] 
    Coup de mainManoeuvre 在萨克斯元帅身上或许可以原谅,因为他在法国服役,对两者都非常熟悉; 但我们无法理解我们的军官们为什么毫无必要地硬生生地引入它们,一个突然的打击可能已经解决了一个问题,一个适当的动作可能已经解决了另一个问题。Reconnoitre 是军事术语中的另一个喜爱词汇; 由于我们无法发现它比 take a view 更具有意义,我们请求它被送回原处。["大不列颠民众对法语词汇进口等的谦卑抗议",收录于1758年年鉴] 


    "1777年,源自 maneuver(名词),或者源自法语 manœuvrer “工作,用手工作; 执行,准备”(12世纪),源自中世纪拉丁语 manuoperare。最初用于军事意义。比喻用法始于1801年。相关词汇: Maneuveredmaneuvering

  • maneuverable(adj.)

    同时也可以操作的 maneuvrable,特别是指汽车和飞机,始于1913年,源自 maneuver-able