

  • subjugal(adj.)

    "owing obedience, subject," from Latin subiugalis, "accustomed to the yoke," from subiugare "bring under the yoke" (also figurative; see subjugate (v.)). In modern use, "situated below the jugal bone."

  • subsequence(n.)

    约于1500年,源自于晚期拉丁语的 subsequentia “跟随,继承”,来自于拉丁语的 subsequens(参见 subsequent)。相关词汇: Subsequency

  • summary(n.)

    "总结陈述或记录",约1500年,源自拉丁语 summarium "概要,摘要,总结",来自 summa "总体,要点"(参见 sum(n.))。

  • supererogation(n.)

    1520年代,“超出职责要求的表现”,在天主教神学中,来自晚期拉丁语 supererogationem(主格 supererogatio)“额外支付”,动作名词,来自拉丁语过去分词词干 supererogare “额外支付或做”,来自拉丁语 super “在...之上,在...之外”(见 super-) + erogare “支付”,来自 ex “出”(见 ex-) + rogare “请求”,显然是一个 PIE 动词的比喻用法,字面意思是“伸出(手)”,源于根 *reg- “沿直线移动”。

  • supernaturally(adv.)

    约于1500年,"来自上帝或天堂",源自 supernatural(超自然的)+ -ly(副词后缀)。

  • supine(adj.)

    大约在1500年,“lying on the back”一词源于拉丁语 supinus,“bent backwards,thrown backwards,lying on the back”,在比喻上表示“inactive,indolent”,源于 PIE *(s)up-(参见 sub-)。“Latin verbal noun formed from the past participle stem”(中古英语15世纪中期)的语法用法源于晚期拉丁语 supinum verbum,“supine verb”,可能因为虽然带有名词格尾缀,但它“falls back” on the verb。相关词汇: Supinely

  • supposed(adj.)

    "相信或认为存在的",来自1580年代的过去分词形容词 suppose(动词); 通常发音时带有 -e-,以区别于被动过去时态 supposed,现在常用于表示"有责任或义务"的意义(1859年)。

  • survivor(n.)

    “Survivor”一词最早出现在15世纪,指“比另一个人活得更久的人”,是 survive 的动作名词。1971年开始,它还有“有克服逆境的本领”的意思。在1968年, Survivor syndrome 被用作指那些在某些他人死亡的创伤事件中幸存下来的人感到内疚的情绪。

    [I]t may have been wrong to say that after Auschwitz you could no longer write poems. But it is not wrong to raise the less cultural question whether after Auschwitz you can go on living—especially whether one who escaped by accident, one who by rights should have been killed, may go on living. His mere survival calls for the coldness, the basic principle of bourgeois subjectivity, without which there could have been no Auschwitz; this is the drastic guilt of him who was spared. By way of atonement he will be plagued by dreams such as that he is no longer living at all. [Theodor Adorno, "Negative Dialectics," 1966]
  • suspire(v.)

    15世纪中期, suspiren,意为“叹息”,源自古法语 souspirer(现代法语 soupirer),或直接源自拉丁语 suspirare,意为“深呼吸,叹息”,由 sub “在...下面”(见 sub-)和 spirare “呼吸”(见 spirit(n.))组成。约于1500年引申为“渴望,追求”的意义。相关词汇: Suspiredsuspiringsuspirious

  • swamp(n.)

    约1500年(隐含在 swamwatyr “沼泽水”中),起源不明,可能是[Barnhart]一种方言的残留物,来自古诺尔斯语 svöppr “海绵,真菌”,源自原始日耳曼语 *swampuz; 但传统上与中古英语 sompe “沼泽,泥潭”相关,这可能来自中古荷兰语 somp 或中低地德语 sump “沼泽”(见 sump)。所有这些可能最终都相互关联,来自 PIE *swombho- “海绵状的; 蘑菇”,通过“海绵状的地面”的概念。

    [B]y swamps then in general is to be understood any low grounds subject to inundations, distinguished from marshes, in having a large growth of timber, and much underwood, canes, reeds, wythes, vines, briers, and such like, so matted together, that they are in a great measure impenetrable to man or beast .... [Bernard Romans, "A Concise History of East and West Florida," 1775]
    “因此, swamps 通常指任何易受淹没的低地,与沼泽区有所区别,因为它们有大量的树木和许多灌木、藤条、芦苇、柳条、葡萄藤、荆棘等等,这些东西缠绕在一起,几乎无法被人或动物穿过......[伯纳德·罗曼斯,《东佛罗里达和西佛罗里达的简史》,1775年]

    在美国更受欢迎(swamp(仅指名词)最早见于1624年约翰·史密斯船长对弗吉尼亚的描述)。Swamp-oak 来自1680年代的美国英语。1941年, Swamp Yankee “乡村、乡土的新英格兰人”被证明是真实的。桑顿的《美国词汇表》(1912)有 swamp-angel “沼泽居民”, swamp-law “强权即公理”。