

  • clomp(v.)

    “to walk as with clogs,” 1829年,可能是拟声词或 clump(v.)的变体。相关词汇: Clompedclomping

  • comfy(adj.)

    1829年, comfortable 的口语缩写。

  • consarned(adj.)

    a vulgar drawling pronunciation of concerned, at first in England in representations of the speech of beggars, the Irish and sailors. The London Morning Chronicle, Sept. 28, 1829, has an account in which the speaker is imitating a sturdy beggar who describes himself as " 'consarned,' as he calls it, in liquor."

    It appears in Yankee dialect humor pieces in U.S. newspapers by 1830 in "Letter from a Sailor in Paris" in the Albany Daily Advertiser, etc. (he was consarned about the Toolleries), but it might be meant as a sailor's word there, and the first record of it clearly representing simply Yankee pronunciation is 1834 in the Maj. Jack Downing letters. As an American English euphemism for "damned" it is attested by 1840.

  • consortium(n.)

    1829年,“伙伴关系,协会”,源自拉丁语 consortium “伙伴关系,参与,社会”,源自 consors(属格 consortis; 参见 consort(n.1))。早在英国法律中,它是“丈夫访问妻子的权利”的一个术语,作为拉丁词在1650年代已被证实在英语中使用。

  • constitutional(n.)

    "宪法散步",1829年,可能最初是大学生之间使用的,可能缩写自 constitutional walkexercise; 来自 constitutional(形容词)在“有益于身体健康”的意义上。

  • coprolite(n.)

    "化石粪便,硬的、圆形的石头状物质,由石化的粪便组成",1829年,来自 copro--lite,源自法语 -lithe,来自希腊语 lithos “石头”(参见 litho-)。相关词汇: Coprolitic

  • counter-jumper(n.)

    1829年的旧俚语,指“商店中的推销员”,源自 counter(n.1),加上 jump(v.)的代词后缀。

  • cuboid(adj.)

    "立方体状的,形状像立方体",1829年,是一个现代新词; 参见 cube(n.)+ -oid。作为名词,1839年缩写为 cuboid bone。相关词汇: Cuboidal

  • deterrent

    1829年,形容词(“具有阻止或倾向于阻止的能力”)和名词(“阻止或倾向于阻止的事物”),出自本瑟姆的著作,源自拉丁语 deterrentem,是 deterrere 的现在分词,“吓退,阻止”,由 de “离开”(参见 de-)和 terrere “吓唬,使充满恐惧”(参见 terrible)组成。指核武器时,始于1954年。

  • door-knob(n.)

    同时, doorknob,即“打开门的手柄”,源于1829年美国英语,由 doorknob 组成。