1680年代,源自法语 billion(最初在 Chuquet 的未发表的 "Le Triparty en la Science des Nombres," 1484年手稿中称为 byllion; 由 De la Roche 在1520年复制); 参见 bi- "two" + million。在英国和德国,它表示一百万(按六个数字为一组计数),这是最初的意思; 后来在法语中改为表示一千万(按三个数字为一组计数),并以这种形式在美国流传开来,“部分原因是在革命战争后受到法国影响” [David E. Smith,《数学史》,1925年]。法国在1948年恢复了最初的意思。英国的用法更符合词源学,但据说美国的意义在技术写作中越来越常见。
In Italian arithmetics from the last quarter of the fifteenth century the words bilione or duilione, trilione, quadrilione or quattrilione, quintilione, cinquilione, or quinquilione, sestione or sestilione, settilione, ottilione, noeilione and decilione occur as common abbreviations of due volte millioni, tre volte millione, etc. In other countries these words came into use much later, although one French writer, Nicolas Chuquet, mentions them as early as 1484, in a book not printed until 1881. The Italians had, besides, another system of numeration, proceeding by powers of a thousand. The French, who like other northern peoples, took most if not all their knowledge of modern or Arabic arithmetic from the Italians, early confounded the two systems of Italian numeration, counting in powers of a thousand, but adopting the names which properly belong to powers of a million. [Century Dictionary]
在意大利的算术中,从15世纪最后一个季度开始,单词 bilione 或 duilione, trilione, quadrilione 或 quattrilione, quintilione, cinquilione,或 quinquilione, sestione 或 sestilione, settilione, ottilione, noeilione 和 decilione 作为 due volte millioni, tre volte millione 等的常见缩写出现。在其他国家,这些词语出现得更晚,尽管法国作家 Nicolas Chuquet 在1484年就提到了它们,但这本书直到1881年才印刷出版。意大利人还有另一种以千为幂的计数系统。法国人像其他北方民族一样,大部分或者说全部的现代或阿拉伯算术知识都来自意大利,他们早期混淆了意大利的这两种计数系统,按千为幂计数,但采用了本应属于百万幂的名称。[《世纪词典》]
在英国有一段时间(1961年),基于 giga-,尝试使用 gillion 表示“一千万”以避免歧义。参见 milliard。
"闪锌矿"是一种锌和其他金属的矿石,起源于1680年代的德国 Blende,是从 blenden "使失明,欺骗"(参见 blind(形容词))中反推而来的。德国的资料称其被这样命名是因为它看起来像铅,但实际上不是。
"宽阔的、垂直的悬崖",1680年代,来自 bluff(形容词)"有宽阔、平坦的正面"(1620年代),是水手们的词汇,可能来自荷兰语 blaf "平的,宽的"。显然,这是北海航海术语,用于形容船头宽阔、垂直的平坦部分。后来,它被扩展到北美的地貌特征,如沿岸高大的宽阔河岸或山脉。对于人来说,指的是满脸的坦率和粗犷的幽默感,1808年。
In the latter years of the decade [1920s] bobbed hair became almost universal among girls in their twenties, very common among women in their thirties and forties, and by no means rare among women of sixty .... Women universally adopted the small cloche hat which fitted tightly on the bobbed head, and the manufacturer of milliner's materials joined the hair-net manufacturer, the hair-pin manufacturer, and the cotton goods and woolen goods and corset manufacturers, among the ranks of depressed industries. [Frederick Lewis Allen, "Only Yesterday"]
在20世纪20年代后几年[1920年代],几乎所有二十多岁的女孩都剪了鲍勃头,三四十岁的女性也非常普遍,甚至六十多岁的女性也不稀奇.... 所有女性普遍采用紧贴鲍勃头的小巧的贝雷帽,于是制造帽边材料的厂商加入了发网制造商、发卡制造商、棉质和羊毛制品和紧身胸衣制造商的行列,成为受挫行业。[弗雷德里克·刘易斯·艾伦,《只是昨日》]