1807年,"与舞台有关的事情",源自 theatric(形容词)"与戏剧有关的"(1706年),源自 theater。意思是"戏剧性的行为",见于1929年的美国英语。
late 14c., as an adjective, "of or pertaining to (Greek) Thebes," also as a noun, native or inhabitant of Thebes;" with -an. In reference to Thebes in Egypt by 1640s. Thebaic is attested from 1680s in reference to Egyptian Thebes.
古英语 þe(þu 的宾格和与格单数形式“你”),源自原始日耳曼语 *theke(也源自古弗里斯兰语 thi,中古荷兰语 di,古高地德语 dih,德语 dich,古诺尔斯语 þik,挪威语 deg,哥特语 þuk),源自 PIE *tege-,根词 *tu- 的宾格,第二人称单数代词(参见 thou)。动词“用代词‘你’称呼某人”记录于1662年,与贵格会的兴起有关。
在中古英语中,人们开始在所有情况下使用复数形式,起初是对上级的尊敬的表示,然后是对平辈的礼貌。到了17世纪,单数形式已经代表熟悉和地位低下,并且除了一些方言(尤其是英格兰北部)外,已经不再使用。英格兰兰开夏郡北部和约克郡的人们以使用单数第二人称代词 tha(主格)和 thee(宾格)而闻名。出于宗教原因(基督教平等原则,但也被认为是语法上正确的),贵格会也保留了这些熟悉的形式。
Thou and Thee was a sore cut to proud flesh and them that sought self-honour, who, though they would say it to God and Christ, could not endure to have it said to themselves. So that we were often beaten and abused, and sometimes in danger of our lives, for using those words to some proud men, who would say, "What! you ill-bred clown, do you Thou me?" as though Christian breeding consisted in saying You to one; which is contrary to all their grammar and teaching books, by which they instructed their youth. [George Fox's journal, 1661]
While the Quakers originally adopted "thee" and "thou" on account of their grammatical correctness, they soon fell into the careless habit of using "thee," the objective, instead of "thou," the nominative. Common illustrations are: "How does thee do?" or "Will thee," etc. [George Fox Tucker, "A Quaker Home," Boston, 1891]
"盎格鲁-撒克逊国王的军事佃户",1848年,是一个古英语形式的现代复兴; 参见 thane。
公元1200年左右,源自斯堪的纳维亚地区(古诺斯 þeir,古丹麦语,古瑞典语 þer, þair),最初是阳性复数指示代词,源自原始日耳曼语 *thai,主格复数代词,源自 PIE *to-,指示代词(参见 that)。到公元1400年左右,逐渐取代了古英语 hi, hie, he 的复数形式,以及 heo 的"她", hit 的"它"。俚语中用于指代"权威中的匿名人物"的用法可追溯至1886年。They say 用于表示"据说"的用法可见于弥尔顿的作品。
The most important importation of this kind [from Scandinavian to English] was that of the pronomial forms they, them and their, which entered readily into the system of English pronouns beginning with the same sound (the, that, this) and were felt to be more distinct than the old native forms which they supplanted. Indeed these were liable to constant confusion with some forms of the singular number (he, him, her) after the vowels has become obscured, so that he and hie, him and heom, her (hire) and heora could no longer be kept easily apart. [Jespersen, "Growth and Structure of the English Language"]
这种[从斯堪的纳维亚语到英语的]最重要的借词是代词形式 they, them 和 their,它们很容易融入以相同音素开头的英语代词系统(the, that, this),并且被认为比它们所取代的旧本土形式更加清晰。实际上,这些旧本土形式很容易与某些单数形式(he, him, her)产生混淆,因为元音已经模糊不清,以至于 he 和 hie, him 和 heom, her(hire)和 heora 无法再轻易区分。[耶斯珀森,《英语语言的增长和结构》]
“their own”是一个所有格代词,早在14世纪初就出现了,由 their 和所有格 -s 组成,类似于 his 等。在形式上,是一个双重所有格。
"他们的"的复数所有格代词,公元1200年左右,源自古诺尔斯语 þierra,是复数人称和指示代词 þeir 的属格形式(参见 they)。取代了古英语的 hiera。作为形容词,从14世纪末开始使用。与单数对象一起使用,被语法学家鄙视,可追溯到公元1300年,OED 在菲尔丁、戈德史密斯、悉尼·史密斯和萨克雷的作品中引用了这一点。 Theirs(公元1300年左右)是一个双重所有格。在英国中部和南部方言以及美国奥萨克地区,还有 theirn(1836)这个替代形式。