

  • Theodosian(adj.)

    "of or pertaining to Theodosius," especially in reference to Roman emperor Theodosius II (408-450). The name is etymologically "gift of the gods," from theos "god" (see theo-) + dosis "a giving," from stem of didonai "to give" (from PIE root *do- "to give").

  • theogony(n.)

    "公元1610年代,指神的诞生或家谱的记载,源自希腊语 theogonia,意为“神的世代或家谱”,由 theos “神”(来自 PIE 词根 *dhes-, 表示宗教概念)和 -gonia “生育”组成,后者来自 gonos “出生”(来自 PIE 词根 *gene- “生育,产生”)。

  • theological(adj.)

    15世纪早期,“与神学有关”的意思,来自中世纪拉丁语 theologicalis,源自拉丁语 theologicus,源自 theologia(见 theology)。相关词汇: Theologically

  • theology(n.)

    14世纪中期,“宗教科学,研究上帝及其与人类的关系”,源自古法语 theologie “基督教教义的哲学研究; 经文”,源自拉丁语 theologia,源自希腊语 theologia “关于神的描述”,源自 theologos “论述神的人”,源自 theos “神”(源自 PIE 词根 *dhes-, 构成宗教概念的词语)+ -logos “处理”(参见 -logy)。意思是“特定的神学体系”始于1660年代。

    Theology moves back and forth between two poles, the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received. [Paul Tillich, "Systematic Theology," 1951]
  • theologian(n.)

    “晚15世纪,源自于法语的 theologien(14世纪),来自于 theologie; 详见 theology。小肆无忌或琐碎的神学家为 theologaster(1620年代),马丁·路德(1518年)在中世纪拉丁文里使用此词。

  • theologist(n.)

    1630年代,源自中世纪拉丁语 theologista,是 theologizare 的动作名词,源自拉丁语 theologia(参见 theology)。同义词 theologician(1550年代)更早地出现。

  • theomachy(n.)

    1560s, "a fighting against the gods;" 1858 "a battle among the gods;" the elements are Greek theos "god" (see theo-) + makhē "a battle, fight" (see -machy). Greek theomakhia was "a battle of the gods."

  • theomania(n.)

    "form of insanity in which the sufferer imagines himself to be a god," 1857, from theo- "god" + mania "mental derangement." Related: Theomaniac.

  • theophagous(adj.)

    "god-eating," 1880; see theo- + -phagous.

  • theophany(n.)

    "神向人类的显现",1630年代,源自于晚期拉丁语 theophania,来自希腊语 theos "神"(来自于 PIE 词根 *dhes-, 用于宗教概念的词汇)和 phainein "使显现,展示"(来自于 PIE 词根 *bha- (1) "发光")。在中古英语中是"Epiphany"(12世纪晚期)。古希腊语 Theophaneia 是德尔斐的一个节日,届时阿波罗和其他神的雕像会向公众展示。