

  • transubstantiate(v.)

    early 15c., transsubstanciaten, "change from one substance to another," from Medieval Latin transsubstantiatus, past-participle of transsubstantiare "change from one substance to another" (see transubstantiation). Originally specifically in a theological sense; general sense is by 1580s.

  • transumption(n.)

    early 15c., transumpcioun, "copying, transcription, passage copied," from Old French transumption and directly from Latin trans(s)umptionem (nominative trans(s)umptio) "a taking of one thing from another," noun of action from past-participle stem of trans(s)umere "to take" from one to another, "adopt, assume," from trans "over, across" (see trans-) + sumere "to take, obtain, buy," from sus‑, variant of sub‑ "up from under" (see sub-) + emere "to take" (from PIE root *em- "to take, distribute").

    In rhetoric, "a metaphor or simile," mid-15c. Related: Transumptive. Middle English also had transumpt (adj.) "adopted, taken over," in reference to words used figuratively, from the Latin past-participle.

  • transverse(adj.)

    "横跨的",15世纪早期(更早的“transversary”,约1400年),源自拉丁语 transversus “横向的或定向的”,是 transvertere “横向旋转”的过去分词,由 trans “横跨”(见 trans-)和 vertere “转动”(源自 PIE 根词 *wer-(2)“转动,弯曲”)组成。动词 transvert 可追溯至14世纪晚期。

  • traveled(adj.)

    "having made journeys, experienced in travel, having gained knowledge via travel," early 15c., past-participle adjective from travel (v.) Earlier it was "harassed, tormented" (late 13c.).

  • treasonous(adj.)

    15世纪中期,来自 treason-ous。相关词汇: Treasonously

  • triable(adj.)

    early 15c., "capable of being tried in a court of law, subject to judicial determination;" from try (v.) + -able. By 1610s as "that may be tested or proven."

  • tribunal(n.)

    15世纪初,“判决座位”,源自于13世纪的古法语 tribunal “司法座位,判决座位”,直接源自拉丁语 tribunal “用于执政官席位的平台,高地,堤坝”,来自 tribunus “古罗马官员,执政官”,字面意思是“部落首领”(参见 tribune)。因此,“法院或司法会议”(1580年代)。

  • trick(n.)

    15世纪初,“欺骗,卑鄙的诡计”,源自古诺曼法语 trique “诡计,欺骗,背叛,作弊”,源自 trikier “欺骗,作弊”的变体,源自古法语 trichier “欺骗,诡计,欺骗”,起源不明,可能源自俗拉丁语 *triccare,源自拉丁语 tricari “回避,推诿”,源自 tricæ “琐事,无意义,一团混乱的困难”,起源不明。

    指“恶作剧”意义可追溯至1580年代; 指“做某事的艺术”意义首次出现于1610年代。指“妓女的客户”首次出现于1915年; 此前,它是指美国俚语中的“抢劫”(1865年)。

    do the trick 指“实现目标”始于1812年; miss a trick 指“未能利用机会”始于1889年; 1872年起指玩纸牌游戏 whist,可能是最初的字面意义。加拿大于1927年记录了 Trick-or-treat 作为儿童万圣节游戏。Trick question 始于1907年。

  • tripartite(adj.)

    "分为三个部分",15世纪初源自拉丁语 tripartitus "分为三个部分",由 tri- "三个"(参见 three)和 partitus 构成, partituspartiri "分割"的过去分词(来自 pars "一部分,碎片,份额",源自 PIE 词根 *pere- (2) "授予,分配")。

  • triple(adj.)

    15世纪早期,源自古法语 triple 或直接源自拉丁语 triplus,意为“三倍的,三重的”,由 tri- “三”(见 tri-)和 -plus “倍数”(见 -plus)组成。作为名词,15世纪早期,“三倍的总和或数量”,源自形容词。棒球术语“三垒打”可追溯至1880年。相关词汇: Triply(副词)。Triple-decker 用于三明治和婚礼蛋糕,可追溯至1940年,用于床上则可追溯至1942年。