"液体被细胞吸收的过程",1931年,源自希腊语 pinein “喝”(源自 PIE 词根 *po(i)- “喝”)和 -cytosis 两部分组成。
"披萨是一道来自意大利的美食,由面团作为基底,抹上橄榄、西红柿、芝士、腌鱼等食材,再在极热的烤炉里烤制而成" [OED],出现于1931年。源于意大利语 pizza,原本指“糕点,馅饼,派”,但其来源不甚明确。1907年的 "Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana" 报告称其可能源于当地话中的 pinza “夹子”(源于拉丁语 pinsere “捣碎,压制”)。 Klein 则认为它与中世纪希腊语 pitta “蛋糕,派”有关(参见 pita)。Watkins 表示,这可能是来自类似于古老高地德语 bizzo, pizzo “一口咬,一小口”,源自原始日耳曼语 *biton-(参见 bit(n.1))。 Ayto ["Diner's Dictionary"] 也倾向于这种解释。
The notion of taking a flat piece of bread dough and baking it with a savoury topping is a widespread one and of long standing — the Armenians claim to have invented it, and certainly it was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans — but it is Italy, and particularly Naples, that has given its version of the dish to the world. ... Since then it has undergone a series of metamorphoses in base, topping, and general character that would make it hard for Neapolitans to recognize as their own, but which have transformed it into a key item on the international fast-food menu. [Ayto]
A pizza is manufactured, as far as I can ascertain, by garnishing a slab of reinforced asphalt paving with mucilage, whale-blubber and the skeletons of small fishes, baking same to the consistency of a rubber heel, and serving piping-hot with a dressing of molten lava. ["Simon Stylites," in The Bergen Evening Record, May 15, 1931]
就我所知,制造披萨是将一块加固的沥青铺装面,涂上黏合剂、鲸脂和小鱼骨骼,在烤制至橡胶鞋底的浓稠状态后,带着熔岩般的调料上桌。["Simon Stylites",“The Bergen Evening Record”,1931年5月15日]
“become tired”(疲惫),1931年,来源不明(见 pooped)。到1934年,加上 out(副词)。相关词汇: Pooping。
“疲倦的”,1931年,起源不明,可能是模仿因疲劳而发出的重呼吸声(比较 poop(n.2))。但是 poop, poop out 在1920年代的航空中被用来形容引擎“熄火”。此外,船舶也有一个动词 poop,意为“被从后面的波浪淹没”,通常会带来灾难性的后果(参见 poop(n.1)); 因此在比喻的航海用法中,“被克服和打败”(在1920年代已有记录)。
It is an easy thing to "run"; the difficulty is to know when to stop. There is always the possibility of being "pooped," which simply means being overtaken by a mountain of water and crushed into the depths out of harm's way for good and all. [Ralph Stock, "The Cruise of the Dream Ship," 1921]
“逃跑”是一件容易的事情; 难的是知道何时停止。总有可能被“pooped”,这只是意味着被一座山般的水淹没并被压入深处,从此不再受到伤害。[拉尔夫·斯托克,“梦想之船的巡航”,1921年]
也称 re-allocation,意为“重新分配或重新指定; 被重新分配的东西”,1931年,是 reallocate(动词)的名词形式。
喝酒前的祝酒词,西班牙语,字面意思为“(好)健康”; 英语中最早见于1931年。法语等效词 salut 最早见于1921年。
"雪地旅行设计的机动车",1931年,指拜德海军上将的探险队,来自 snow(名词)+结尾来自 automobile 等。