

  • sportsman(n.)

    1706年,源自于 sportsman(名词)。Sportswoman 出现于1754年。

  • spyglass(n.)

    也称 spy-glass,意为“望远镜、野外望远镜”,始见于1706年,源自 spy(动词)和 glass(名词)。Spying-glass 则可追溯至1680年代。

  • stock-broker(n.)

    1706年,来自 stock(n.2)和 broker 的组合。

  • tent-pole(n.)

    "one of the poles used in pitching a tent," 1706, from tent (n.) + pole (n.1).

  • thrombosis(n.)

    1706年,现代拉丁语,源自希腊语 thrombosis “凝块或凝固”(来自 thrombousthai “变得凝固或凝结”,源自 thrombos “凝块,凝固,肿块”; 参见 thrombus)+ -osis

  • tip(v.3)

    “give a small present of money to,” was originally “to give, hand, pass,” used in thieves’ cant around 1600, and may have come from tip (v.3) “to tap.” The meaning “give a gratuity to” was first recorded in 1706. The noun with the same meaning first appeared in 1755. The noun “tip” meaning “a piece of confidential information” is from 1845, and the verb meaning “to give private information to” is from 1883.

    The tale of the word's supposed origin as an acronym in 18th-century English taverns became popular in mid-18th century, but seems to be no older than Frederick W. Hackwood's 1909 book, "Inns, Ales and Drinking Customs of Old England." The book claims it stands for To insure promptitude (the anecdote is told from 1946 in the form to insure promptness ). A review of the book in The Athenaeum of Oct. 2, 1909, criticized this story and wrote, "We deprecate the careless repetition of popular etymologies such as the notion that 'tip' originated from an abbreviated inscription on a box placed on the sideboard in old coaching-inns, the full meaning of which was 'To Insure Promptitude.'” For more information, see here.

  • trapezoid(n.)

    1706年,"梯形",源自现代拉丁语 trapezoides,来自晚期希腊语 trapezoeides,欧几里得使用的希腊语 trapezoeides "梯形状",来自 trapeza,字面意思为"桌子"(参见 trapezium),加上 -oeides "形状"(参见 -oid)。严格来说,是一个没有两条边平行的平面四边形。但在英语中,自约1800年以来,常常与 trapezium 混淆,其意思是"一个四边形,只有两条边平行,而另外两条不平行"。

  • tureen(n.)

    "1706年,源自法语 terrine “陶制容器”,来自于古法语 therine(15世纪),是 terrin(形容词)的名词用法,意为“陶制的”,源自于高卢-罗马语 *terrinus,来自于拉丁语 terrenus “土壤的”,源自于 terra “土地”(源自于 PIE 词根 *ters- “干燥”)。

  • unstick(v.)

    1706年,来自 un-(2)“相反的,相反的” + stick(v.)。 相关: Unsticking

  • United Kingdom
