

  • tendon(n.)

    "1540年代,源自中世纪拉丁语 tendonem(主格 tendo),在拉丁语 tendere “拉伸”影响下改编自晚期拉丁语 tenon,源自希腊语 tenon(属格 tenontos)“肌腱,筋”,(源自 PIE *ten-on- “被拉伸的东西”,源自词根 *ten- “拉伸”)。

  • tenticle(n.)

    "a little tent," 1540s, from Medieval Latin *tentacula, diminutive of tenta "tent" (see tent (n.)).

  • terriculament(n.)

    "a cause of terror," especially "object of needless dread, bugbear," 1540s, now obsolete, from Late Latin terriculamentum "something to excite terror," from terrere "fill with fear" (see terrible).

  • thankless(adj.)

    "可能不会得到感谢的",来自1540年代的 thank + -less。相关词汇: Thanklessly; thanklessness

  • therm(n.)

    1540s, "hot bath," a sense now obsolete, from Latinized form of Greek thermē "heat, feverish heat" (from PIE root *gwher- "to heat, warm"). Also introduced c. 1888 as a proposed thermal unit in physics to replace calorie, but it was not accepted.

  • thick-skinned(adj.)

    1540s, "one who or that which has thick skin or rind;" see thick (adj.) + skin (n.). The figurative use is by c. 1600, originally "dull of sensation or feeling," by early 19c. especially "insensible or not easily irritated by taunts and ridicule."

  • threesome(n.)

    14世纪晚期,来自 three + -some (2)。

  • throttle(n.)

    1540年代,“喉咙”; 它似乎是一个独立的形成,来自 throat,可能是一个小型形式,不是直接从动词派生而来。机械意义上的“节流阀”首次记录于1872年,缩写为 throttle-valve(1824年)。在蒸汽机方面,“Full-throttle”(允许最大速度)指的是1848年。

  • timid(adj.)

    timide 1540年代,源自法语“容易受惊,害羞”(16世纪),直接源自拉丁语 timidus “害怕的,胆小的”,来自 timere “害怕”,这是一个起源不确定的词。相关词汇: Timidlytimidness

  • tipstaff(n.)

    1540年代,“带有金属尖端或帽子的警棍”(作为职务标志)的意思,源于 tip(名词)和 staff(名词)。作为一个官员的名称(尤其是治安官、法警、警长、法庭传呼员等),它记录于1560年代。