

  • thereagainst(adv.)

    "against it, in opposition," late 14c.; see there + against. Thereagain in the same sense is in late Old English.

  • thereamong(adv.)

    "among them, in the midst of them," c. 1200, ther-among; see there + among.

    Often written as one word from mid-15c. Middle English also had there-amid "in the midst of them; there present" (ther-amidde, c. 1200), but also there-mid "by the use of which," from Old English þær-mid.

  • thereat(adv.)

    "in that place, at that spot, there," Middle English ther-at, from Old English þær-æt; see there + at.

    Middle English also had ther-right (adv.), also ther-rights, "right there, on that spot, on that very place," also "right then, immediately," from Old English þær-rihte, þær-rihtes.

  • therebefore(adv.)

    Middle English ther-bifore, from later Old English þær-beforan "in front of them;" see there + before.

  • therebeside(adv.)

    mid-13c., ther-biside, "next to it or that, adjacent to it;" see there + beside. Often as two or three words into 19c. Related: Therebesides.

  • therebetween(adv.)

    c. 1400, ther-bitwene, "between the two, between two objects or points in time;" see there + between.

  • thereby(adv.)

    古英语 þærbig “因此,通过或因为那个”; 参见 thereby。古弗里西亚语 therbi,中古低地德语 darbi,德语 dabei,荷兰语 daarbij 也有类似的构词方式。

  • therefore(adv.)

    古英语 þærfore; 来自 there + fore,是古英语和中古英语 for 的同义词。自1800年以来, therefor 被用于“因此,由于那个原因”之意; 而 therefore 则表示“因此,由于那个结果”。荷兰语 daarvoor 、德语 dafür 、丹麦语 derfor 也有类似的构词方式。

  • therefor(adv.)

    "为此,为那个," 中古英语变体拼写 therefore (参见); 在现代使用中,可能被视为 there + for

  • therefrom(adv.)

    公元13世纪中期, there from。17世纪起成为一个词; 参见 therefrom