

  • theotechny(n.)

    in classical theater, the appearance of a god on stage in drama or epic; divine intervention, 1858; the elements are Greek theos "god" (see theo-) + tekhnē "art" (see techno-). Related: Theotechnal (1650s); theotechnic.

  • therapeutic(adj.)


  • therapy(n.)

    1846年,"疾病的医疗治疗",源自现代拉丁语 therapia,来自希腊语 therapeia"治愈,疗养,为病人服务; 等候,服务",来自 therapeuein"治愈,医治",字面意思是"照顾,服务,照料"(参见 therapeutic)。

  • therapist(n.)

    1880年,源自于 therapy-ist; 早期的说法是 therapeutist(1816年)。尤其是指从1930年代开始的心理治疗师。

  • thereness(n.)

    "condition or quality of having location, situation, or existence with respect to some point or place," 1670s; see there + -ness.

  • there(adv., conj.)

    古英语 þær “在那个地方,到那个程度,只要,在那方面”,源自原始日耳曼语 *thær(也是古撒克逊语 thar,古弗里西亚语 ther,中低地德语 dar,中古荷兰语 daer,荷兰语 daar,古高地德语 dar,德语 da,哥特语 þar,古诺尔斯语 þar),源自 PIE *tar- “那里”(也是梵语 tar-hi “然后”的来源),源自根 *to-(见 the)+副词后缀 -r

    感叹词用法最早见于1530年代,用于强调确定性、鼓励或安慰。有 been there “有某种活动的先前经验”记录于1877年。

  • thereas(adv., conj.)

    mid-14c., "there; where; in that place or case," from there + as.

  • thereabouts(adv.)

    15世纪初,“在那个地区,在那附近; 15世纪中期,“接近那个时间,大约在那里”,源自古英语 þær onbutan “关于那个地方”+副词性属格 -es; 参见 thereabout

  • thereabove(adv.)

    "above or over that, it, or them," a sense now obsolete, mid-13c., ther-above; see there + above. As "up above, up yonder," late 14c.

  • thereafter(adv.)

    古英语 þær æfter; 参见 thereafter。荷兰语 daarachter,瑞典语 derefter 也有类似的构词方式。