

  • theregates(adv.)

    "in that way or manner," mid-15c., from there + -gates (compare allgates).

  • therein(adv.)

    "在那个地方、时间或物体中",古英语 þærin; 参见 therein。德语中也有类似的构词方式, darin

  • theremin(n.)

    电子乐器,1927年,源自其发明者俄罗斯工程师列昂· Thérémin(1896-1993)的名字。

  • thereof(adv.)

    "那个的,它的",古英语 þærof; 参见 there + of。瑞典语、丹麦语中也有类似的构词方式,即 deraf

  • thereon(adv.)

    古英语 þæron; 参见 thereon。德语中也有类似的构词方式,如 daran

  • therethrough(adv.)

    late Old English, ther-thurgh, "all the way through, in and out of it, from one side to the other;" see there + through. In early use therethorough; form therethrough is by 1590s.

  • thereto(adv.)

    古英语 þærto “到那里,在那个地方,为了那个目的,属于; ”参见 thereto。古撒克逊语 tharto,古高地德语 darazuo,德语 dazu 也有类似的构词方式。

  • thereunder(adv.)

    古英语 þærunder; 参见 thereunder。古弗里西亚语 therunder,德语 darunter 也有类似的构词方式。

  • thereunto(adv.)

    "to it, toward it, at it," c. 1300, ther-unto; see there + unto. Compare thereto.

  • thereupon(adv.)

    12世纪晚期, þer uppon; 见 thereupon