

  • traceable(adj.)

    1748年,来自 trace(动词)+ -able。相关词汇: Traceability

  • tracer(n.)

    约于1500年,指“追踪或搜索的人”,是 trace(n.1)的动词形式的代词名词。指“弹道可见的子弹”始于1910年。

  • tracery(n.)

    15世纪中期,“绘画的地方”,由英语 trace(动词)+ -ery(名词后缀)组成。建筑意义上,指哥特式窗户上部相交的肋骨结构,始见于1660年代。“由雷恩引入,他将其描述为石匠的术语”[Weekley]。

  • trachea(n.)

    14世纪晚期,源自于拉丁中世纪语 trachea(13世纪),例如 trachea arteria,源自于晚期拉丁语 trachia,源自于希腊语 trakheia,在 trakheia arteria 中意为“气管”,字面意思为“粗糙的动脉”(因为形成气管的软骨环是粗糙的),源自于 trakhys 的女性形式,意为“粗糙的”,源自于 PIE *dhre-gh-, 是 *dher-(1)的带后缀的形式。有关希腊科学中风管与动脉的联系,请参见 artery。相关词汇: Tracheal

  • trachelo-

    word-forming element meaning "of the neck, having the form of a neck, of the neck and," from Latinized form of Greek trakhēlos "the neck, throat," which Beekes describes as "Probably a Greek innovation" probably related to a root for "turning" (he compares Old Church Slavonic vratiti "to turn," also Lithuanian kalkas).

  • tracheo-

    before vowels trach-, word-forming element used from early 19c. in anatomy, biology, etc., "of or pertaining to the trachea, having the form of a trachea, of the trachea and," from Latinized form of Greek trakheia, as used in anatomy in reference to the windpipe (see trachea). Greek trakheia is from trakhys "rough, uneven, stony," figuratively "severe, harsh," also used of rough voices, anger, etc., which according to Watkins is connected to the root of dark and dreg, but Beekes discounts this and says it is related to thrassein "to trouble, disturb."

    English also uses trachy- in a few words to indicate "rough."

  • tracheoscopy(n.)

    "inspection of the trachea," 1880, see tracheo- + -scopy.

  • tracheostomy(n.)

    1726年,源自 tracheo-,作为 trachea 的组合形式,加上 -ostomy “人工开口”,来自现代拉丁语 stoma “开口,孔”,源自希腊语 stoma “口”(参见 stoma)。

  • tracheotomy(n.)

    1726年,现代拉丁语,由德国外科医生洛伦茨·海斯特(Lorenz Heister,1683-1758)于1718年创造; 参见 trachea + -tomy

  • trachoma(n.)

    眼病,1690年代,源自现代拉丁语 trachoma,来自希腊语 trakhoma,意为“粗糙”,源自 trakhys “粗糙”。