

  • toxicophobia(n.)

    "morbid fear of being poisoned," 1876, from toxico- "poison" (see toxic (adj.)) + -phobia. Related: Toxicophobiac.

  • toxicosis(n.)

    "chronic poisoning," 1850, from medical Latin (by 1838); from combining form of Greek toxon "poison" (see toxic (adj.)) + -osis.

  • toxin(n.)

    "有机毒素",尤指动物体内细菌产生的毒素,起源于1886年,由 toxic-in(2)组成。

  • toxoplasmosis(n.)

    "弓形虫病"是由常见原生动物真核生物 Toxoplasma gondii(存在于猫粪便、污染食物等中)感染引起的疾病。该词于1951年出现,由 -osistoxoplasma(1913年)组成,1909年在法语中创造,源自希腊语 toxon “弓,弧形”,指该生物的新月形状(参见 toxic),加上 plasma(参见 plasma)。

  • toy-box(n.)


  • toy-maker(n.)

    "maker or manufacturer of (children's) toys," 1859, from toy (n.) + maker. Earlier a maker of toys or keeper of a toy-shop might be a toyman (1707).

  • toy-shop(n.)

    1690s, "shop that sells trinkets and fancy articles;" 1796, "shop that sells children's playthings," from toy (n.) + shop (n.).

  • trabeal(adj.)

    "beam-like," 1864, formed irregularly with -al (1) + Latin  trabem (nominative trabs) "beam, timber" (from PIE root *treb- "dwelling," for which see tavern).

  • trace(v.)

    14世纪晚期,“跟随(一条路线); 勾勒出某物的轮廓”,也比喻为“思考,调查”,源自古法语 tracier “寻找,跟随,追求”(12世纪,现代法语 tracer),来自于通俗拉丁语 *tractiare “描绘,刻痕,追踪”(源头还包括西班牙语 trazar “追踪,设计,规划”,意大利语 tracciare “步行跟随”),是拉丁语 tractus “轨迹,路线”的一种频繁形式,字面意思是“拉出”,源自于 trahere “拉,拖”(参见 tract(n.1))的过去分词词干。

    意思是“沿着,经过”(一条路径等)的用法可追溯至约1400年; “追踪,跟踪”的用法早在15世纪就有了。意思是“在透明的纸张上复制一幅图画”记录于1762年。相关词汇: Tracedtracing


    "人或物经过留下的痕迹",源于公元1300年的古法语 trace "标记,印记,足迹"(12世纪),由 tracier(见 trace(v.))反推而来。科学上指"某种化合物中微小存在的迹象"的意义始于1827年。 Traces "遗迹"始于公元1400年。


    “牲畜用来拉车的皮带或链条”,源于公元1300年左右的复数 trays,早期的源自于古法语 traiz,trait 复数形式,意为“系马具的皮带、拉的行为 ”,源自拉丁语 tractus “拉,足迹”,该词源自拉丁语动词 trahere “拉,拖”(参见 tract (n.1))。相关词汇: Traces

  • tracing(n.)

    late 14c., "a drawing representing the structure of some object," verbal noun from trace (v.). Tracing-paper is attested by 1824.