"关注或追求个人利益,为自己谋取利益",来自1640年代的 self- + interest(n.)。特别是指"自私,追求自我利益,排除对他人的关注"。相关词汇: Self-interested,"以自我利益为特征"(1650年代); self-interestedness。
[Self-interest] is a doctrine not very lofty, but clear and sure. It does not seek to attain great objects; but it attains those it aims for without too much effort. ... [It] does not produce great devotion; but it suggests little sacrifices each day; by itself it cannot make a man virtuous; but it forms a multitude of citizens who are regulated, temperate, moderate, farsighted, masters of themselves; and if it does not lead directly to virtue through the will, it brings them near to it insensibly through habits. [Alexis de Tocqueville, "Democracy in America"]
[自利]是一种不太高尚但清晰而确定的信条。它不寻求实现伟大的目标; 但它可以在不费太多努力的情况下实现其目标。...[它]不会产生伟大的奉献精神; 但它每天都会提出一些小小的牺牲; 它本身不能使一个人变得有德行; 但它形成了一大批自律、节制、适度、有远见、自我掌控的公民; 如果它不能通过意志直接导致美德,那么它通过习惯不知不觉地使他们接近美德。[亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔,《论美国的民主》]
"只关心自己; 特指那些只或主要关心自己个人快乐的人",1630年代,来自 self + -ish。它在巴克斯特(Baxter)中很常见,并被哈克特主教("Scrinia Reserata," 1693)说是由长老会发明的。17世纪的同义词包括 self-seeking(1620年代)、self-ended(1640年代,来自 self-end,“个人或私人目标”)和 self-ful(1650年代)。
Let us understand what our own selfish genes are up to, because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs. [Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene," 1976]
相关词汇: Selfishly; selfishness。德语中类似的构词法有 selbstisch,瑞典语中有 sjelfvisk,丹麦语中有 selvisk。
"自我辩护,"1650年代,来自 self- + justification。
1610年代,“通过个人行动或努力所形成的”,由 self- 和 made 组成。Self-made man 自1826年起被证明,是美国英语的术语,其概念是“在没有外部优势的情况下在生活中取得了物质上的成功”。
This expression, in the sense in which I here use it, is perhaps peculiar to our own country ; for it denotes a class of men to be found in no other part of the world. It is true, that in Europe there have been those, who, having a bent of the mind, or a genius, as it is called, for some particular employment, have by their own unassisted, persevering efforts, risen to eminence in their favorite pursuit. But the self-made men of our country differ much from these. Genius in them is sterling common senses ; and their object was not the gratification of the mind in some strong predilection for a favorite employment, but rather the attainment of those intellectual habits and resources, which might prepare them for usefulness, and give them influence and eminence among their fellow men. [Samuel P. Newman, "Address Delivered Before the Benevolent Society of Bowdoin College, Tuesday Evening, Sept. 5, 1826"]
在这里我所使用的这个概念,在其所发挥的意义上,可能只在我们自己的国家中具有特殊性质; 因为它指代了一群在世界其他地方找不到的人。的确,欧洲也有这样的人,他们之所以通过自己的不懈努力,在自己喜欢的工作上崭露头角,是因为他们心有所向,或者说是某个特定职业的天赋。但我们国家的自力更生的人与他们不同。在他们身上,天才是指有着坚实常识的能力; 他们的目标不是通过某种对喜爱职业的强烈偏爱来使自己得到满足,而是通过获得那些可能使他们具备影响力和地位,并为他们带来有用之处的智力习惯和资源。[塞缪尔•P•纽曼(Samuel P. Newman),“在鲍因学院慈善协会于1826年9月5日星期二晚上发表的讲话”]
1980年(self-motivated 可追溯至1949年),意为“出于自身兴趣或热情而自我激励,不受外部影响”,由 self- 和 motivation 组成。相关词汇: Self-motivating; self-motivational。
"自我直接内省的能力,来自于1670年代,源自于 self- 和 perception 的结合。