这个短语最初来源于约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller)1961年的小说标题,但是在1970年电影上映后,这个短语变得广为人知。 catch(n.)是指如果轰炸机飞行员在没有请求免除职责的情况下执行战斗任务,那么他就是疯狂的,因此他有资格被免除职责。但是,请求免除职责表明他是理智的,因此他必须继续执行任务。
There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
"That's some catch, that Catch-22," he observed.
"It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.
只有一个陷阱,那就是 Catch-22,它规定,在面对真正而即时的危险时,对自己安全的关注是理智头脑的表现。奥尔(Orr)是疯狂的,可以被停飞。他所要做的就是请求停飞; 一旦他这样做了,他就不再疯狂,必须执行更多任务。奥尔如果执行更多任务就是疯狂的,如果不想执行任务就是理智的,但如果他是理智的,他就必须执行任务。如果他执行任务,他就是疯狂的,不必执行任务; 但如果他不想执行任务,他就是理智的,必须执行任务。约萨里安(Yossarian)对 Catch-22的这个条款的绝对简单性深感震撼,他发出了一声尊敬的口哨声。
“这是最好的,”Doc Daneeka 同意道。
"捕捉者",无论在任何意义上,都可以追溯到14世纪中叶,是由 catch(v.)派生出来的代词。棒球意义上的用法可以追溯到1867年。
"having the quality of 'catching' in the mind," 1831年,源自 catch(v.)+ -y(2)。起初被认为是口语。相关词汇: Catchiness。
There is, also, by far too much of routine both in the selection of subjects, and in the mode of treating them, notwithstanding the oddity that is sometimes substituted for originality. Should this system be persevered in, there is great danger of every thing becoming forced and unnatural, and all other qualities sacrificed to a catchy, stage-like effect, both as regards subject, composition, and execution. ["The Suffolk Street Exhibit," in Fraser's Magazine, July, 1831]
此外,在选择主题和处理方式上,常常过于墨守成规,尽管有时会用奇怪的东西代替原创性。如果坚持这种系统,很容易导致一切变得勉强和不自然,所有其他品质都会被牺牲,以追求引人注目的舞台效果,无论是在主题、构图还是执行方面。["The Suffolk Street Exhibit," in Fraser's Magazine, July, 1831]
也称作 catchphrase,“习惯而又反复的短语”,始见于1837年,源自 catch(动词)和 phrase(名词)。概念是指那些会“牢记并传播”的词语(类比于 catchword,早期使用的一个词; 还可参考 catchy)。最初出现在政治语境中,也可用于流行的戏剧台词。
This new experiment consists in a "divorce of bank and State." This is a mere catch-phrase, which was originally introduced by artful and designing politicians to impose upon the credulity and honesty of the people. Many have adopted it without reflecting or inquiring as to its import, or its consequences. [Sen. Talmage (Georgia), U.S. Senate debate on the Sub-Treasury Bill, Sept. 22, 1837]
In political or partisan squibs, the introduction of such phrases may be properly allowed, though sparingly ; for they are most undoubtedly a species of ornament that soon nauseates upon repetition. There is a still lower species of "slang," consisting of the "catch phrase of the day," in great vogue among the gods at the minor theatres, that we only mention to reprobate entirely ; and which, as common sense is no ingredient in its concoction, is as destitute of energy as it is abhorrent to a cultivated ear. ["T.A.," "Guide for the Writing-Desk; or, Young Author's and Secretary's Friend," etc., London, 1846]
在政治或党派性的攻击中,这些词语的引入可以得到适度的认可,但是请注意使用次数; 因为他们无疑是一种装饰,但过度地使用会欠缺新意。还有一种更低级的“俚语”,即“当天的流行语”,在小剧场中很流行,但我们完全反对; 因为它的制作中缺乏常识,所以缺乏冲击力,同时也无法打动有修养的听众。["T.A.", "写作指南; 或者,年轻作家和秘书的朋友"等书,伦敦,1846年]