此外, clearinghouse 于1805年诞生,起源于 clearing 和 house(名词)。起初,这个机构由伦敦的银行家们建立,以解决彼此的支票和票据问题; 后来这个词推广到了类似的机构。
CLEARING, is a method adopted by city bankers, for exchanging the drafts on each others houses, and settling the differences.—Thus at a stated hour in the afternoon, a clerk from each attends at the Clearing House, where he brings all the drafts on the other bankers, which have been paid into his house during the course of the day; and, having debited their different accounts with the articles which he has against them, he deposits them in their proper drawers, (a drawer being here allotted to each banker:) he then credits their accounts respectively, with the articles which they have against him, as found in his drawer. Balances are then struck on all the accounts, and the differences are transferred from one to another, until they are so wound up, that each clerk has only to settle with two or three others, which is done in cash, or Bank of England notes. [P. Kelly, "The Elements of Book-Keeping," London, 1805]
清算,是城市银行家所采用的一种方法,用以交换彼此名下房屋的票据并结算差额。在每天下午规定的时间,每家银行的一位职员前往 Clearing House,携带当日收到的其他银行的票据,根据清单将每个账户标记相应的应收或应付项,然后将它们放入各自的抽屉里(每个银行家有自己的抽屉):然后他将各自的账户记上相应的付款或收款,记在其抽屉中找到对应的条目。最后,在各家银行之间核算结算,将差额相互转移,直到它们被合理处理,每位职员只需要与其他两三名职员结算,而这可以通过现金或英格兰银行券来完成。 [P.Kelly,“记账要素”,伦敦,1805年]
约于1300年, clete “楔形物”,源自古英语 *cleat “一块”,来自西日耳曼语 *klaut “坚硬的块状物”(源头还包括中低地德语 klot, klute,中古荷兰语 cloot,荷兰语 kloot,古高地德语 kloz,德语 kloß “土块,饺子”)。
“用力分裂、分开或分割”,古英语 cleofan 、cleven 、cliven “分裂、分离”(第二类强动词,过去式 cleaf,过去分词 clofen),源自原始日耳曼语 *kleuban(也是古撒克逊语 klioban 、古诺尔斯语 kljufa 、丹麦语 klöve 、荷兰语 kloven 、古高地德语 klioban 、德语 klieben “分裂、分开”的来源),源自 PIE 词根 *gleubh- “撕裂、分裂”。
过去式形式 clave 记录于 14 世纪的北方作家,并与两个动词一起使用(参见 cleave(v.2)),显然是与其他中古英语强动词类比而来。 Clave 在约 1600 年之前很常见,在 KJV 时期仍然存在; 这个动词的弱过去式 cleaved 也在 14 世纪出现; cleft 更晚。过去分词 cloven 仍然存在,但主要用于复合词中。
"黏附,紧贴",中古英语 cleven, clevien, cliven,源自古英语 clifian, cleofian"紧贴,黏附",也有比喻意义,来自西日耳曼语族 *klibajan(源头还包括古撒克逊语 klibon,古高地德语 kliban,荷兰语 kleven,古高地德语 kleben,德语 kleben"黏附,紧贴,附着"),源自原始印欧语言 *gloi- "黏附"(参见 clay)。
在古英语中, cleave(v.1)是第二类强动词,因此混淆现象较少; 但自从 cleave(v.1)变弱后,混淆现象就增多了,这可能是为什么两者都被 stick(v.)和 split(v.)所取代的原因。
1805年,地质学和矿物学中,“岩石或宝石沿着天然裂缝干净地断裂的倾向”,源自 cleave(v.1)和 -age。一般意义上的“劈裂或被劈裂的行动或状态”始于1867年。
“低胸服装中女性胸部之间的裂缝”一词最早于1946年被记录下来,由《时代》杂志文章[8月5日]定义为“约翰斯顿办公室的行业术语,指女演员胸部的阴影凹陷将其分成两个明显的部分”; 传统上,美国公关约瑟夫·布林(Joseph I. Breen,1888-1965)首次在这个意义上使用,他是制片人协会的负责人(1945年由埃里克·约翰斯顿(Eric Johnston)接替),是好莱坞自我审查的执行者,指的是简·罗素在《亡命之徒》中的服装和姿势。
晚15世纪,"分裂者",来自 cleave (v.1)的代理词。最初是指"用楔子而非锯子分裂木板的人"; 从14世纪中期开始,作为姓氏的一部分出现。"屠夫的长刀"的含义始于15世纪中期。Marrow-bones and cleavers 作为"粗糙音乐"的工具,始于1716年。
This last ["Marrowbones and Cleaver"] is a sign in Fetter Lane, originating from a custom, now rapidly dying away, of the butcher boys serenading newly married couples with these professional instruments. Formerly, the band would consist of four cleavers, each of a different tone, or, if complete, of eight, and by beating their marrowbones skilfully against these, they obtained a sort of music somewhat after the fashion of indifferent bell-ringing. When well performed, however, and heard from a proper distance, it was not altogether unpleasant. ... The butchers of Clare market had the reputation of being the best performers. ... This music was once so common that Tom Killigrew called it the national instrument of England. [Larwood & Hotten, "The History of Signboards from the Earliest Times to the Present Day," London, 1867]
最后一个["骨髓和切肉刀"]是 Fetter Lane 的一个标志,源自一个现在正在逐渐消失的习俗,即屠夫的男孩们用这些专业工具为新婚夫妇演奏小夜曲。以前,乐队会由四把不同音调的切肉刀组成,或者如果完整的话,由八把组成,他们通过熟练地用骨髓敲击这些刀,得到一种类似于普通钟声的音乐。然而,当演奏得好,且从适当的距离听到时,它并不全然令人不悦。... Clare 市场的屠夫有着最佳表演者的声誉。...这种音乐曾经如此普遍,以至于 Tom Killigrew 称其为英格兰的国家乐器。[Larwood & Hotten, "The History of Signboards from the Earliest Times to the Present Day," London, 1867]