also matt, 1917, a motion picture special effect of an image element added to the frame. Originally in reference to objects that covered or blacked out part of an image for purposes such as creating vignettes, spot dissolves and split-screens. In early use sometimes also a mask.
The original sense indicates that it is derived from matte (n.1) in the meaning "board used to cover or ornament part of a picture." However, OED posits it may be from mat (c. 1870) a technical term in glass-painting for a layer of medium or ground applied upon the glass.
Applied by 1923 to a special effect where painted background or set elements are added to a filmed image. It differs from painted backdrops or trompe l'oeil sets because the matte painting is added by way of a camera trick where a filmed image is partially masked or matted off. A matte painting is attested by 1934.