


"下巴和下颚上的浓密胡须,通常是成年男性的特征"(现代英语中上唇的胡须被称为 mustache),古英语中的 beard 指的是"胡须",源自原始日耳曼语的 *bard(还有古弗里斯兰语 berd 、中古荷兰语 baert 、古高地德语 bart 、德语 bart),据 Pokorny 称这个词源于原始印欧语的 *bhardhā- "胡须"(还有古教会斯拉夫语 brada 、俄语 boroda 、立陶宛语 barzda 、古普鲁士语 bordus,也许还有拉丁语 barba "胡须"),但 Boutkan 基于语音学的理由否认了这一说法,并提出了一个非印欧语的基层词。古法语 berd 源自日耳曼语。

The Greek and Roman Churches have long disputed about the beard. While the Romanists have at different times practised shaving, the Greeks, on the contrary, have strenuously defended the cause of long beards. Leo III. (795 AD) was the first shaved Pope. Pope Gregory IV., after the lapse of only 30 years, fulminated a Bull against bearded priests. In the 12th century the prescription of the beard was extended to the laity. Pope Honorius III. to disguise his disfigured lip, allowed his beard to grow. Henry I. of England was so much moved by a sermon directed against his beard that he resigned it to the barber. Frederick Barbarossa is said to have been equally tractable. [Tom Robinson, M.D., "Beards," St. James's Magazine, 1881]

阴毛的意义可以追溯到17世纪(但 neþir berd "阴毛"可以追溯到14世纪末); 在1811年的《俚语词典》中,短语 beard-splitter 被定义为"一个喜欢与女人纠缠的男人"(与俚语中的 beaver 在性器官的意义上相对应)。


约于1300年,“生或有胡须”,源自 beard(名词)。“勇敢直接地面对”这一意义源自中古英语短语,例如 rennen in berd “公开反对”(约于1200年), reproven in the berd “直接而个人地责备”(约于1400年),与现代俚语 get in (someone's) face 相同。相关词汇: Bearded(古英语); bearding
