

  • syntropic(adj.)

    "turning in the same direction," 1870, from syn- "with, together" + ending from heliotropic, etc., ultimately from Greek tropos "a turn, change" (from PIE root *trep- "to turn").

  • theophobia(n.)

    "dread or anxious fear of God," 1870; see theo- + phobia.

  • thermoplastic(adj.)

    1870年,见 thermo- + plastic(形容词)。作为名词出现于1929年。

  • thought-out(adj.)

    "elaborated, constructed by thinking," by 1870, from past tense of think (v.) + out (adv.).

  • thuggish(adj.)

    "ruffianly, brutal and forceful," 1870, 来自 thug + -ish。相关词汇: Thuggishly; thuggishness

  • waifish(adj.)

    1870年,由 waif-ish 组成。相关词汇: Waifishlywaifishness

    "1870年,由 waif(流浪儿)和 -ish(具有…的特征)组成。相关词汇包括 Waifishly(像流浪儿一样)和 waifishness(流浪儿的特征)"。 请注意,翻译中的 HTML 标签不能更改。
  • yesteryear(n.)

    yester-year 于1870年由但丁·加布里埃尔·罗塞蒂创造,用于翻译法语 antan(源自通俗拉丁语 *anteannum “去年”)在弗朗索瓦·维永的一句副歌中: Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan?,罗塞蒂将其翻译为“但昔日之雪何在?”