

  • Faustian(adj.)

    1870年,指约翰· Faust(约1485-1541年),德国流浪占星家和巫师,据说他曾将自己的灵魂卖给了魔鬼。他的生平传奇故事早在16世纪末就已经传开了,他也是马洛和歌德戏剧的主角。他的名字的拉丁化形式 faustus,意思是“吉兆的”。

  • Limburger(n.)

    1870年,一种臭味浓郁的著名奶酪,简称 Limburger cheese(1817年),来自比利时东北部的 Limburg 省,那里制作这种奶酪。该地名来自日耳曼语 *lindo “椴树”(见 linden)和 *burg “堡垒”。

    Some frauds a few years ago started a Limburger cheese factory down in Keyport, New Jersey, but the imposition was soon exposed. A man could come within 300 yards of the spurious article without being knocked down, and as the smell never had any effect on the town clock the business was soon discontinued. [John E. Boyd, "The Berkeley Heroine and Others Stories," 1899]