1828年,作为名词和形容词,指美国贵格会中的一个分裂团体,以他们的精神领袖 Elias Hicks 的名字命名。该职业的其余成员(在数量上是少数)被称为 Orthodox Friends。这场分裂发生在1827年的费城年会上。这个姓氏来自 Richard 的昵称 Hick。
About the only way I can tell whether a particular Meeting was Orthodox or Hicksite has to do with clocks and pianos. If these — particularly a clock — are present, that Meeting was Hicksite. If not, it was Orthodox. [Francis G. Brown, "Downingtown Friends Meeting," 1999]
“Marcus Tullius Tiro”指的是西塞罗的书记和同名人,1828年与之相关,特别是指他所发明的速记系统“ Tironian Notes ”(拉丁文“ notæ Tironianæ ”)。这一系统据称是由他发明的(参见“ ampersand”)。
Although involving long training and considerable strain on the memory, this system seems to have practically answered all the purposes of modern stenography. It was still in familiar use as late as the ninth century. [Century Dictionary]
虽然涉及长时间培训和对记忆的相当大的压力,但该系统似乎实际上已经解决了所有现代速记的目的。直到9世纪,它仍然是常用的速记方式。[Century Dictionary]