

  • Indian summer(n.)

    "Frost's departure", meaning a period of warm, dry, and hazy weather, occurs after the first frost of the year. This phenomenon usually takes place from mid-September to nearly December, depending on the location. The term originated in 1774 in North American English (also used in eastern Canada), perhaps because it was first observed in regions still inhabited by Native Americans or because the Indigenous people first reported it to the Europeans in the upper Mississippi valley to the west of the Appalachians. There is no evidence to support a connection between the term and the color of fall leaves or a season of renewed Native American attacks on settlements due to renewed warm weather (a widespread explanation dating back to at least the 1820s).

    It is the American version of the British All-Hallows summer, the French été de la Saint-Martin (feast day Nov. 11), etc. Also colloquial were St. Luke's summer (or little summer), a period of warm weather occurring around St. Luke's day (Oct. 18). An older and simpler name for it was autumn-spring (1630s).

  • knock-kneed(adj.)

    1774年,来自 knock(动词)和 knee(名词)。

  • liberalize(v.)

    同时也有 liberalise(使更自由)一词,起源于1774年,由 liberal(自由的)和 -ize(-化)组成。相关词汇: Liberalized(已自由化的)、liberalizing(正在自由化的)。

  • loris(n.)

    斯里兰卡的小灵长类动物,1774年,来自法语 loris(布丰),其来源不明,有时被认为来自荷兰语 loeris “傻瓜,小丑”。

  • mangle(n.)

    熨烫和压平亚麻和棉质衣物的机器,用于洗涤后,始于1774年,源自荷兰语 mangel(18世纪),显然是 mangelstok 的缩写,源自 mangelen 的词干,意为搓洗,源自中古荷兰语 mange,可能与俗拉丁语 *manganum “机器”有关(参见 mangonel),“但其历史尚未被准确追踪”[OED]。

    The possession of a mangle, for the use of which a small sum was charged, is, among the poorer classes of English cottagers, a common means of earning money. The question 'Has your mother sold her mangle?' (quot. 1836-7) was at one time the commonest piece of 'chaff' used by London street-boys. [OED]
  • nicker(v.)

    "嘶鸣",1774年,苏格兰和英格兰北部方言,拟声而成(见 neigh)。相关词汇: Nickered; nickering

  • pangolin(n.)

    1774年,指爪哇岛的一种有鳞片、无牙齿、以蚂蚁为食的哺乳动物,源自马来语(南岛语系)peng-goling,意为“滚动者”,因其卷成球的习性而得名; 源自 peng-(派生前缀)和 goling “滚动”。后来扩展到亚洲和非洲的相关物种。

  • philosophe(n.)

    此外, philosoph,尤指法国百科全书派的启蒙理性主义者和怀疑论者,常常带有贬低或蔑视的意味(当信仰者使用时),1774年起源于法语 philosophe,字面意思是“哲学家”(古法语 filosofe; 参见 philosopher)。在英语中通常使用斜体,但由彼得·盖伊(1966年的《启蒙运动》)和其他人使其本土化。还可参考 philosophist。它也是英语中“哲学家”的旧词,从古英语一直延续到公元1400年左右。

  • prosify(v.)

    "转化为散文,使平淡无奇",1774年,来自 prose + -ify。相关词汇: Prosifiedprosifying

  • quarry(v.)

    "从采石场挖掘或取出",1774年,来自 quarry(n.2)。相关词汇: Quarriedquarrying