caveat emptor
go together(v.)
grass widow(n.)
1520年代,最早的记录意思是“情妇”; 与草地的暗示不明确,但通常被认为是指随意的性伴侣(比较 bastard 和德语 Strohwitwe,字面意思是“稻草寡妇”,并比较表达方式 give (a woman) a grass gown “在草地上轻松地滚动她”(1580年代),也是指失去贞操的委婉说法)。18世纪末再次流行,指的是“假装结过婚但实际上没有,但有孩子的人”; 在19世纪初的使用中,它可以指“丈夫不在身边的已婚妇女”(通常被认为已经去世,但并非确定),也经常用于离婚或被抛弃的妻子或未婚生子的女人。既委婉又暗示性。
[G]rasse wydowes ... be yet as seuerall as a barbours chayre and neuer take but one at onys. [More, 1528]
“[G]rasse wydowes ... be yet as seuerall as a barbours chayre and neuer take but one at onys.” [More, 1528]
GRASS WIDOW, s. a forsaken fair one, whose nuptials, not celebrated in a church, were consummated, in all pastoral simplicity, on the green turf. [Rev. Robert Forby, "Vocabulary of East Anglia," London, 1830]
“GRASS WIDOW,s. 被抛弃的美女,她的婚礼没有在教堂举行,而是在绿草地上以牧歌般的简单方式完成。” [Rev. Robert Forby, "Vocabulary of East Anglia," London, 1830]
omnium gatherum(n.)