"半部分或松散地结合在一起",始于1860年,由 semi- 和 detach(v.)的过去分词组成。与 semi-detached 相比较。
半圆形 semi-circle,指“圆的一半”,起源于1520年代,由 semi- 和 circle(名词)组成,或者源自拉丁语 semicirculus。还可以参考 semicircular。意思是“一组或一排物体成半圆形”,始于1590年代。
也可以表示为 semi-circular,意为“半圆形的”,早在15世纪初就出现了 semicirculer,源自中世纪拉丁语 semicirculus(参见 semicircle)和 -ar。相关词汇: Semicircularly。
also semi-colon,点号用于标点符号,由一个点放在一个逗号上方组成,用于标记一个比逗号标记的句子稍微独立一些的句子,1640年代,这是一个由拉丁词源 semi- 和希腊词源 colon(n.1)组合而成的混合词。这个标记本身在希腊语中是疑问点。semicolon butterfly(1841年起,美国英语)因其翅膀上的银色标记而得名。
[T]he semicolon was a Latin delicacy which the obtuse English typographer resisted. So late as 1580 and 1590 treatises on orthography do not recognize any such innovation ; the Bible of 1592, though printed with appropriate accuracy, is without a semicolon ; but in 1633 its full rights are established by Charles Butler's English Grammar. ... [I]t is evident that Shakespeare could never have used the semicolon ; a circumstance which the profound George Chalmers mourns over, opining that semicolons would often have saved the poet from his commentators. [Isaac. D'Israeli, "Amenities of Literature," 1841]
“分号是拉丁语的一种美食,被愚蠢的英国排字工人抵制。直到1580年和1590年,拼写法论文都没有承认这种创新; 1592年的圣经,虽然印刷得很准确,但没有分号; 但在1633年,查尔斯·巴特勒的英语语法确立了它的完全权利。...很明显,莎士比亚从来没有使用过分号; 这是深思熟虑的乔治·查尔默斯为之悲伤的一个事实,他认为分号经常会使诗人免受评论家的困扰。”(艾萨克·迪斯雷利,《文学的乐趣》,1841年)
请查看 hemidemisemiquaver。
"半联半附",最初指的是通过隔墙相连但与其他建筑物分离的房屋,始于1845年,来自 semi- + detach (v.)的过去分词。
The "Detached House" bears its peculiar characteristic on its front; it stands alone, and nothing more can be said about it; but with the "semi-detached house" there is a subtle mystery, much to be marvelled at. Semi-detached! Have the party-walls between two houses shrunk, or is there a bridge connecting the two, as in Mr. Beckford's house in Landsdown Crescent, Bath? A semi-detached house may be a house with a field on one side and a bone-boiling factory on the other. Semi-detached may mean half-tumbling to pieces. I must inquire into it. ["Houses to Let," in Household Words, March 20, 1852]
“独立房屋”在其正面具有其独特的特征; 它独立存在,关于它没有更多的话可说; 但是对于“半独立房屋”,有一个微妙的谜团,值得惊叹。半独立!两个房屋之间的隔墙缩小了吗?还是像巴斯兰斯当街的贝克福德先生的房子一样有一座桥连接着两个房屋?半独立房屋可能是一边有田地,一边有煮骨头的工厂。半独立可能意味着快要倒塌了。我必须去了解一下。[“待租房屋”,《家庭用品》杂志,1852年3月20日]