


"去掉(玉米)壳",1819年,来自或与 shuck(n.)有关。相关: Shuckedshuckershucking

许多扩展的美国俚语意义来自于“剥去”玉米穗的概念,或来自于剥皮欢乐活动所关联的花招; 例如“脱(掉)衣服”(1848)和“欺骗,诈骗,愚弄”(1959)。短语 shucking and jiving “愚弄,欺骗”建议自1966年,在非裔美国人的方言中,但请参见 shuck(v.)是“酷音乐家”之间的俚语术语,意思是“即兴演奏和弦,特别是对于自己不知道的音乐”(1957),以及 shuck(n.)“盗窃或欺诈”,在20世纪50年代在非裔美国人的方言中使用。

[B]lack senses probably fr[om] the fact that black slaves sang and shouted gleefully during corn-shucking season, and this behavior, along with lying and teasing, became a part of the protective and evasive behavior normally adopted towards white people in "traditional" race relations; the sense of "swindle" is perhaps related to the mid-1800s term to be shucked out, "be defeated, be denied victory," which suggests that the notion of stripping someone as an ear of corn is stripped may be basic in the semantics. ["Dictionary of American Slang"]
[B]lack senses probably fr[om] the fact that black slaves sang and shouted gleefully during corn-shucking season, and this behavior, along with lying and teasing, became a part of the protective and evasive behavior normally adopted towards white people in "traditional" race relations; the sense of "swindle" is perhaps related to the mid-1800s term to be shucked out, "be defeated, be denied victory," which suggests that the notion of stripping someone as an ear of corn is stripped may be basic in the semantics. ["Dictionary of American Slang"]



1670年代,“壳,荚果壳”,尤指坚果的壳,是一个来源不明的方言词。比较 shuck(动词)。后来用于指牡蛎和蛤蜊的壳(1872年)。比喻地,作为某些毫无价值的东西的代表,最早见于1836年。
