15世纪早期,“离心圆或轨道”,最初是托勒密天文学中的一个术语,“圆或轨道不是地球的中心”,源自法语 eccentrique,直接来自中世纪拉丁语 eccentricus(名词和形容词),源自希腊语 ekkentros “偏离中心”(与 concentric 相对),源自 ek “出”(见 ex-) + kentron “中心”(见 center(n.))。意思是“奇怪或古怪的人”,1817年有记录(S.W. Ryley,“The Itinerant,or Memoirs of an Actor”)。
June 4 [1800].—Died in the streets in Newcastle, William Barron, an eccentric, well known for many years by the name of Billy Pea-pudding. [John Sykes, "Local Records, or Historical Register of Remarkable Events which have Occurred Exclusively in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne, and Berwick Upon Tweed," Newcastle, 1824]
6月4日[1800]。在纽卡斯尔的街头去世的威廉·巴伦,一个古怪的人,多年来以 Billy Pea-pudding 的名字为人所知。[约翰·赛克斯,“Local Records,or Historical Register of Remarkable Events which have Occurred Exclusively in the Counties of Durham and Northumberland,Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne,and Berwick Upon Tweed”,纽卡斯尔,1824]