1970年,缩写自 American Express,这是美国运通公司于1950年在美国注册的商标,最初是一家快递邮件服务公司。其信用卡始于1958年。
Black Friday(n.)
popular name for the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday (which always is a Thursday), in modern times the day which opens the Christmas shopping season and thus for stores often the busiest and biggest sales day of the year, but the exact sense of black (adj.) in it is uncertain.
It is attested by 1970 (in Philadelphia newspaper columns), said to be perhaps a merchants' term and a reference to the black ink that records profits. But the early articles also credit the expression to those who had the job of managing the crowds.
At 12th and Market, Traffic Patrolman Stanley Makarewicz took enough time out from conducting his orchestra of exhaust pipes to explain why policemen and cab drivers call it Black Friday.
"It's supposed to be worst day for traffic out of the whole year," the patrolman observed.
["Black Friday: Stores' Best Day," Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 28, 1970]
Earlier Black Friday had been used principally of Fridays when financial markets crashed (1866, 1869, 1873, 1929), the Kennedy assassination (1963) and other dark events.
到了1970年, compressor-decompressor 或 coder-decoder 的缩写,模仿 modem 的方式。
同时, flip flop,又称为“塑料拖鞋沙滩凉鞋”,始于1970年代,其名称模拟了穿着时所发出的声音。自1520年代以来, Flip-flap 这个词被用于多种含义,主要是表现松散拍打的模仿声或感受:
Flip-flaps, a peculiar rollicking dance indulged in by costermongers, better described as the double shuffle; originally a kind of somersault. [Hotten's Slang Dictionary, 1864]
Flip-flaps,是贩售水果蔬菜者所独特的、优美的舞蹈,更好地被描述为双重快步舞蹈; 最初是一种翻筋斗般的舞蹈。【霍顿俚语词典,1864年】
Flip-flop 泛指“完全的方向反转”最早可追溯到1900年; 在1930年代开始用于电子学中,指交替在两种状态之间的开关电路。早在1897年就已拥有作为动词的用法。 Flop (名词)在“转向,特别是在政治方面的彻底改变”方面,最早可以追溯到1880年。
到了1970年,美国军事俚语中, fragging 这个动词被从俚语名词中借用并创造出来,该名词是 fragmentation grenade(1918)的缩写,因为使用这种武器比使用枪支更容易销毁证据。相关词汇: Fragged; fragging。