"1820年左右,从法语 narghileh 进入英语,指的是一种东方水烟袋,源自波斯语 nargileh,而 nargileh 一词则来源于 nargil,意为“椰子”,因为最初的烟斗是用椰壳制成的。波斯语 nargileh 可能源自梵语 narikerah,而梵语 narikerah 可能又来自德拉维达语系的语言。
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"智力,智慧",1820年,源自希腊语 noēsis "智力,思想",来自 noein "看见,感知,有心理感知",来自 noos "头脑,思想",其起源不确定。
"将抽象概念仅视为名称,而非现实的观点; 普通名词仅是思想或言语中的便利,代表真实事物的学说",1820年出自法语 nominalisme(1752),源自 nominal,源自拉丁语 nominalis “关于名称的”(参见 nominal)。相关词汇: Nominalist(1650年代); nominalistic。
Medieval thinkers, especially those of the twelfth century, are classified as being either nominalists or realists; modern philosophers have generally joined in the condemnation of medieval realism, but have nevertheless been mostly rather realists than nominalists. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
中世纪的思想家,特别是12世纪的思想家,被归为名义主义者或实在主义者; 现代哲学家通常谴责中世纪的实在主义,但仍然大多是实在主义者而非名义主义者。[《世纪词典》,1895年]
"薄、硬、透明的连衣裙面料",1820年,源自法语 organsin(1660年代)和意大利语 organzino,一种强韧的丝线,其词源不明; 也许与 organdy 源自同一词源。
ottava rima
这是一个对文员或作者的戏谑或轻蔑的词语,起源于1820年,由 pen (n.1) + driver 组成。早在1760年,就有了 quill-driver。
The Author goes on, and tells us, "that the two thousand hogs were not driven into the sea by evil spirits, but by the two madmen, who, in one of their frantic fits, frightened them into it."— But is it not more than intimated that the men were restored to their right mind before the hogs took to their heels? Besides, that two madmen should drive two thousand such ungovernable creatures as hogs one way, does, I think, exceed the belief of any hog-driver on the road, if not of the pen-driver in his closet. [introduction to "Beelzebub Driving and Drowning his Hogs," a sermon on Mark v.12, 13, by James Burgess, 1820]
作者继续写道:"那两千头猪并非被恶魔赶入海中,而是被那两个疯子在他们的疯狂发作中吓进去的。"——但是,是否不是暗示了这两个人在猪群逃窜之前就恢复了理智?此外,两个疯子能驱赶两千头如此难以驾驭的猪 one way,我认为这超出了任何一个在路上驱猪的人的信念,如果不是在他的小屋里写字的人的信念。[引自"Beelzebub Driving and Drowning his Hogs," 一篇关于马可福音 v.12, 13的布道,由 James Burgess 于1820年撰写]