在机械意义上,1868年,来自 type(名词)+ writer。相关词汇: Type-write(动词)“用打字机打印”; type-written(1882年)。俚语 office-piano “打字机”出现于1942年。
It is the advantage of the typewriter that, due to its rigidity and its space precisions, it can, for a poet, indicate exactly the breath, the pauses, the suspensions even of syllables, the juxtapositions even of parts of phrases, which he intends. For the first time the poet has the stave and the bar a musician has had. For the first time he can, without the convention of rime and meter, record the listening he has done to his own speech and by that one act indicate how he would want any reader, silently or otherwise, to voice his work. [Charles Olson, "Projective Verse," 1950]
打字机的优点在于,由于其刚性和空间精度,对于诗人来说,它可以准确地指示他打算的呼吸、停顿、甚至音节的悬挂,短语部分的并置。诗人第一次拥有了音乐家所拥有的五线谱和小节。他第一次可以在不使用韵律和节拍的约定的情况下,记录他对自己演讲的倾听,并通过这一行为表明他希望任何读者,无论是默读还是其他方式,如何朗读他的作品。[查尔斯·奥尔森(Charles Olson),《投射诗歌》(Projective Verse),1950年]
希腊神话中的巨人; 请参见 typhoon。
Tiphon “狂风暴雨,旋风,龙卷风”,1550年代,源自希腊语 typhon “旋风”,被拟人化为巨人,风之父,可能[Beekes]源自或与 typhein “冒烟”(见 typhus)有关,但根据 Watkins 的说法,源自 PIE *dheub- “深,空心”,通过“深处的怪物”的概念。 “气旋,印度或中国海的猛烈飓风”一词首次出现在1588年托马斯·希科克(Thomas Hickock)的翻译中,他翻译了威尼斯商人凯撒·弗雷德里克(Caesar Frederick)的一篇关于东印度的航行的意大利语报道:
concerning which Touffon ye are to vnderstand, that in the East Indies often times, there are not stormes as in other countreys; but euery 10. or 12. yeeres there are such tempests and stormes, that it is a thing incredible, but to those that haue seene it, neither do they know certainly what yeere they wil come. ["The voyage and trauell of M. Caesar Fredericke, Marchant of Venice, into the East India, and beyond the Indies"]
关于 Touffon,您需要了解,在东印度,通常没有像其他国家那样的风暴; 但是每10或12年会有如此强烈的暴风雨,这是不可思议的事情,但对于那些看过它的人来说,他们也不确定它们会在哪一年到来。[“M. Caesar Fredericke,Marchant of Venice,into the East India,and beyond the Indies”的旅行和旅行]
这个词的这个意义,指东印度的巨大风暴,首次出现在16世纪中叶的葡萄牙语中。它显然来自于阿拉伯语,波斯语和印地语中的 tufan,意思是“大气旋风暴”。 Yule [“Hobson-Jobson”,伦敦,1903]写道,“可能是 Vasco [da Gama]和他的追随者直接从阿拉伯飞行员那里得到了 tufao......”
阿拉伯语单词有时被认为来自希腊语 typhon,但其他来源认为它纯粹是闪族语,尽管希腊语单词可能影响了英语单词的形式。 Al-tufan 在古兰经中多次出现,表示“洪水或风暴”,也表示挪亚洪水。中文(广东话)tai fung “大风”也可能影响了英语单词的形式或意义,这个术语和印度的术语可能互相影响; 在印度, toofan 仍然表示“大风暴”。
From the thighs downward he was nothing but coiled serpents, and his arms which, when he spread them out, reached a hundred leagues in either direction, had countless serpents' heads instead of hands. His brutish ass-head touched the stars, his vast wings darkened the sun, fire flashed from his eyes, and flaming rocks hurtled from his mouth. [Robert Graves, "Typhon," in "The Greek Myths"]
从大腿以下,他什么都不是,只是盘绕的蛇,他的手臂展开时,每个方向都有一百个联盟,有无数的蛇头代替手。他的野兽驴头触及星星,他巨大的翅膀遮蔽了太阳,他的眼睛闪烁着火焰,从他的嘴里喷出火焰岩石。[罗伯特·格雷夫斯(Robert Graves),“Typhon”,收录于“希腊神话”]
斑疹伤寒,一种急性传染性发热病,通常伴随虚弱、谵妄和小红斑点,起源于1785年的医学拉丁语,源自希腊语 typhos “由发热引起的昏迷”,字面意思是“烟”,来自 typhein “冒烟”,与 typhos “盲”, typhon “旋风”有关,源自 PIE *dheubh-, 可能是 PIE 根 *dheu-(1)“灰尘、蒸汽、烟雾”的扩展形式。
The Greek term [typhos] (smoke, mist, fog) was employed by Hippocrates to define a confused state of the intellect, with a tendency to stupor (stupor attonitus); and in this sense it is aptly applied to typhus fever with its slow cerebration and drowsy stupor. Boissier de Sauvages first (in 1760) called this fever "typhus," and the name was adopted by Cullen of Edinburgh in 1769. Previous to the time of de Sauvages typhus was known as "Pestilential" or "Putrid Fever," or by some name suggested by the eruption, or expressive of the locality in which it appeared, as "Camp," "Jail," "Hospital," or "Ship Fever" (Murchison). [Thomas Clifford, ed., "A System of Medicine," New York, 1897]
希波克拉底用希腊语词汇[typhos] (smoke, mist, fog) 来定义智力混乱的状态,伴随昏迷的倾向 (stupor attonitus); 在这个意义上,它适用于斑疹伤寒,因为它具有缓慢的脑功能和昏昏欲睡的昏迷状态。Boissier de Sauvages 在1760年首次将这种热称为“斑疹伤寒”,这个名字被爱丁堡的卡伦在1769年采用。在 de Sauvages 之前,斑疹伤寒被称为“瘟疫性”或“腐败性发热”,或者根据爆发的皮疹或表达出现地点的名称,如“营地”、“监狱”、“医院”或“船舶热”(默奇森)。[托马斯·克利福德(Thomas Clifford),编辑,《医学体系》,纽约,1897年]
相关词汇: typhous(形容词)。
大约1600年,“象征性的,寓意的”,源自中世纪拉丁语 typicalis “象征的”,来自晚期拉丁语 typicus “属于类型的”,源自希腊语 typikos,来自 typos “印象”(参见 type(n.))。 “特征的”意义首次记录于1850年。相关: Typically。
1816年,"排版工人",缩写为 typographer; 1892年缩写为 typographicalerror。