

  • too-too(adj.)

    "excessive in social elegance," 1881, slang, from the emphatic reduplication of too (adv.). 

  • tootsy(n.)

    另外, tootsie(1854年)是对 foot(n.)的婴儿语替代。糖果棒 Tootsie Roll 的专利声称自1908年开始使用。

  • top(n.1)



    over the top在第一次世界大战的俚语中意为“开始进攻”,引自战壕的上方;作为“超出合理界限,太过分”之意,是从1968年起有记录的。Top of the world作为“最卓越的位置”之意从1670年起就有。Top-of-the-line(形容词)是从1950年起有记录的。




    "往上面放盖子," 1580年代, 可能是15世纪中期起, 来自top (名词第一义项)。早期有"切掉顶部, 剃光头"的意思(大约 1300年)。意为"高于或超过"的用法也是1580年代首次记录。意为"打击(球)向它的顶部"的用法始于1881年。相关用法: Topped; topping。短语top off "完成"源于1836年的口语, 在"充满、增加更多以至充满"的意义上则来自1917年。


    "处于顶端",来自1590年代的 top(n.1)。Top dollar "高价"来自1942年。Top-drawer(1920)来自英国表达 out of the top drawer "上层阶级"。流行音乐中的 Top ten 来自1945年("Billboard")。top dog 是在斗争中最高的那个,从1868年开始在比喻中使用,与 underdog 相对。

    But if the under dog in the social fight runs away with a bone in violation of superior force, the top dog runs after him bellowing, "Thou shalt not steal," and all the other top dogs unite in bellowing, "This is divine law and not dog law;" the verdict of the top dog so far as law, religion, and other forms of brute force are concerned settles the question. [Van Buren Denslow, "Modern Thinkers: What They Think and Why," 1880]
    但是,如果社会斗争中的弱者违反了优势力量而带走了一块骨头,那么顶尖的狗会追着他咆哮,“你不应该偷”,所有其他顶尖的狗会联合咆哮,“这是神的法律,不是狗的法律”; 就法律、宗教和其他形式的蛮力而言,顶尖的狗的裁决解决了这个问题。[范·布伦·登斯洛,《现代思想家:他们的思想和原因》,1880年]
  • tops(n.)

    "the best," 1935年,美国英语俚语,来自 top(n.1)。

  • topping(n.)

    "把顶部放在上面的行为",约1500年,来自 top(v.)。意思是"切掉顶部的行为",来自1510年代。"食物的顶层"的意思来自1839年。

  • topaz(n.)

    彩色水晶宝石,13世纪晚期,源自古法语 topace(11世纪),源自拉丁语 topazus(西班牙语 topacio,意大利语 topazio 也是如此),源自希腊语 topazostopazion,起源不明。普林尼说它是以红海或阿拉伯海的一个偏远岛屿命名的,那里开采它,这个岛屿因难以找到而得名(来自希腊语 topazein “占卜,试图定位”); 但这可能是民间词源学,实际上这个词可能来自梵语 tapas “热,火”。在中世纪,用于几乎所有黄色石头。对于希腊人和罗马人来说,可能是黄橄榄石或黄蓝宝石。在现代科学中,它是氟硅酸铝。作为颜色名称始于1908年。

  • top-boot(n.)

    "high boot having a top of lighter-colored leather from the rest," 1768, from top (n.1), which was used by 1620s specifically as "topmost part of a boot," + boot (n.).

    [W]hat over lavish spending of leather is there, in boots and shoes! To either of which, is now added a French proud superfluity of Galloshes! The wearing of Boots is not the abuse; but the generality of wearing, and the manner of cutting boots out with huge, slovenly, unmannerly, and immoderate tops! ["Of the Abuses of Leather" in "Leather: A Discourse," London, 1629; reprinted in Arber, "English Garner," 1877]
  • top-castle(n.)

    also topcastle, "platform at the top of a ship's mast," especially a fortified one on a fighting ship, early 14c.; see top (n.1) in the nautical sense + castle (n.) in the general Middle English sense of "any fortified place."

  • top-coat(n.)

    1804, "great coat, overcoat," from top (adj.) + coat (n.). By 1959 as "finishing coat of paint."

  • top dog(n.)

    the one uppermost in a fight between two, opposed to the underdog. See top (adj.) + dog (n.). The figurative use is by 1868.

    But if the under dog in the social fight runs away with a bone in violation of superior force, the top dog runs after him bellowing, "Thou shalt not steal," and all the other top dogs unite in bellowing, "This is divine law and not dog law;" the verdict of the top dog so far as law, religion, and other forms of brute force are concerned settles the question. [Van Buren Denslow, "Modern Thinkers: What They Think and Why," 1880]