也是 spatch-cock,在烹饪中是一个俚语,1785年(Grose)开始使用,指的是将猎鸟沿脊椎剖开并摊平后烤制的方法; 一个起源不明的词。"最初在爱尔兰使用,后来主要在英属印度" [OED]。Grose 说这个词是指杀死后立即烤制的禽类。
It originated in Ireland in the late eighteenth century as a noun, referring to the bird thus dispatched, and indeed it may have been based on the verb dispatch, with the addition of cock. Another probable influence is the earlier spitchcock, a word of mysterious origin denoting similar treatment meted out to eels and other fish. [Ayto, "Diner's Dictionary"]
它起源于18世纪晚期的爱尔兰,作为一个名词,指的是被这样处理的鸟,实际上可能是基于动词 dispatch,再加上 cock。另一个可能的影响是早期的 spitchcock,一个起源神秘的词,指的是对鳗鱼和其他鱼类采取的类似处理方式。[Ayto, "Diner's Dictionary"]
作为某种鸡肉菜肴的名称, Smache-cok 可以追溯到15世纪中叶。