


1784年,美国英语中一种大型绿色蝗虫的通俗名称,模仿雄性振动翅膀时发出的刺耳声音。在美国东部,是夏夜中熟悉的声音; 1751年,这种声音被更准确地记录为 catedidist

[T]heir noise is loud and incessant, one perpetually and regularly answering the other in notes exactly similar to the words Katy did, or Katy Katy did, repeated by one, and another immediately bawls out Katy didn't, or Katy Katy didn't. In this loud clamour they continue without ceasing until the fall of the leaf, when they totally disappear. [J.F.D. Smyth, "A Tour in the United States of America," 1784]
“它们的声音响亮而持续,一个不断地回答另一个,发出完全相似的 Katy didKaty Katy did,一个人重复,另一个人立即大喊 Katy didn'tKaty Katy didn't。在这种响亮的喧闹声中,它们持续不断,直到落叶时节,它们就会完全消失。”[J.F.D. Smyth,“美国之旅”,1784年]
