1560年代,“以直角三角形的一条边为轴线旋转而成的固体”[世纪词典],源自法语 cone(16世纪)或直接源自拉丁语 conus “圆锥体,头盔的尖顶”,来自希腊语 konos “圆锥体,陀螺,松果”,可能源自原始印欧语根 *ko- “磨尖”(源头还包括梵语 sanah “磨石”,拉丁语 catus “锋利”,古英语 han “石头”),但 Beekes 认为它很可能是一个前希腊语词。
自公元1400年左右就有“象限的角或角度”的用法,源自拉丁语。从1560年代开始,“松果的干燥的锥形果实”; 从1771年开始,“火山口周围的山丘”; 从1867年开始,“眼睛视网膜中的微小结构”; 到1909年,“圆锥形薄饼来装冰淇淋”。Cone-shell 来自1770年,因其形状而得名; cone-flower 来自1822年,因其圆锥形的花托而得名。
Probably the greatest "rage" of the year in the eating line has been the ice cream cone. The craze has known no section, although the Middle West has eaten more than any other section, and the South has yet to acquire the habit. As a result of this craze hundreds of cone factories have sprung up, and every one has made large profits. Thus an important side line has come to the fore in aid of the ice cream industry. [The Ice Cream Trade Journal, October 1909]