


1853年,“无私,为他人福利而奉献,与 egoism 相反”,源自法语 altruisme,由法国哲学家奥古斯特·孔特于1830年创造或普及,由 -ismautrui(古法语 altrui)组成,“属于或为他人”,源自拉丁语 alterialter 的与格形式,意为“其他”(参见 alter)。法语中的 -l- 可能是从拉丁语单词中重新插入的词源。

If we define altruism as being all action which, in the normal course of things, benefits others instead of benefiting self, then, from the dawn of life, altruism has been no less essential than egoism. Though primarily it is dependent on egoism, yet secondarily egoism is dependent on it. [Herbert Spencer, "The Data of Ethics," 1879]
There is a fable that when the badger had been stung all over by bees, a bear consoled him by a rhapsodic account of how he himself had just breakfasted on their honey. The badger replied peevishly, "The stings are in my flesh, and the sweetness is on your muzzle." The bear, it is said, was surprised at the badger's want of altruism. ["George Eliot," "Theophrastus Such," 1879]
