

  • thriving(adj.)

    "prosperous, successful," especially in business, c. 1600, present-participle adjective from thrive (v.). Related: Thrivingly.

  • thumbnail(n.)

    大约1600年,来自 thumb(n.)+ nail(n.)。意思是“小尺寸的绘画或素描”(虽然通常不是字面上的指甲大小),始见于1852年。

  • tiffany(n.)

    "一种薄透明的织物",约于1600年出现; 早期是主显节日的通用名称(14世纪早期; 在盎格鲁-法语中自13世纪末),源自古法语 TifinieTiphanie "主显节"(约1200年),源自晚期拉丁语 Theophania "神显节",是主显节的另一个名称,源自希腊语 theophania "神的显现"(参见 theophany)。


    The invention of that fine silke, Tiffanie, Sarcenet, and Cypres, which instead of apparell to cover and hide, shew women naked through them. [Holland's "Pliny," 1601]

    时尚的纽约珠宝公司蒂芙尼(Tiffany & Co.)(1895年)以其创始人、金匠查尔斯·L·蒂芙尼(1812-1902)和他的儿子路易斯·C·蒂芙尼(1848-1933)命名,后者是以其玻璃器皿而闻名的新艺术装饰家。这个姓氏在英语中可以追溯到1206年。

  • tinct(n.)

    "颜色,色调",大约1600年,源自拉丁语 tinctus "染色",来自 tingere "染色"(参见 tincture)。

  • tinkler(n.)

    c. 1600, "small bell," agent noun from tinkle (v.). Also from late 12c. as a variant of tinker (n.).

  • tin-works(n.)

    "establishment for the mining or manufacturing of tin," c. 1600, earlier tin-work (late 15c.); see tin (n.) + works.

  • toddle(v.)

    "蹒跚地跑或走",大约1600年,苏格兰和英国北部,起源不明,可能与 totter(1530年代)有关; 早期的意思是“玩耍,游戏”,可追溯到大约1500年。相关词汇: Toddledtoddling

  • toga(n.)


    The toga as the Roman national dress was allowed to be worn by free citizens only. A stranger not in full possession of the rights of a Roman citizen could not venture to appear in it. Even banished Romans were in imperial times precluded from wearing it. The appearance in public in a foreign dress was considered as contempt of the majesty of the Roman people. Even boys appeared in the toga, called, owing to the purple edge attached to it (a custom adopted from the Etruscans) toga praetexta. On completing his sixteenth, afterward his fifteenth, year (tirocinium fori), the boy exchanged the toga praetexta for the toga virilis, pura, or libera—a white cloak without the purple edge. Roman ladies (for these also wore the toga) abandoned the purple edge on being married. [Guhl & Koner, "The Life of the Greeks and Romans," transl. Francis Hueffer, 1876]
    作为罗马国家服装的长袍只允许自由公民穿着。没有完全享有罗马公民权利的外国人不能穿着长袍出现。即使是被放逐的罗马人在帝国时代也被禁止穿着长袍。在公共场合穿着外国服装被视为藐视罗马人民的威严。即使男孩子们也穿着长袍,因为上面有紫色的边缘(这是从伊特鲁里亚人那里采用的风俗),称为“toga praetexta”。在16岁之前,后来是15岁时(“tirocinium fori”),男孩子们会把紫甲边的长袍换成白色的、没有紫边的toga virilispuralibera。罗马女性(因为她们也穿着长袍)在结婚后放弃紫色的边缘。【盖尔和小内尔,《希腊和罗马人的生活》,弗朗西斯·胡费尔译,1876】

    裤子这种穿着方式(拉丁语bracae)是异国人波斯人,德国人和高卢人的穿着方式,并不是罗马人的穿着方式。因此,在罗马地理上,“bracatus穿着长裤”指的是“阿尔卑斯山以北”的地区。学院里的兄弟会,toga party自电影《动物屋》(1978)重新流行,但这部电影的背景设置在1962年,这种习俗似乎至少可以追溯到1950年代中期。

    Down on Prospect Street, Campus Club held a toga party, at which everyone wore togas. Charter held a come-as-you-are party, at which everyone wore what they happened to have on, and Cloister held a party called "A Night in Tahiti," at which we'd hate to guess what everyone wore. The borough police reported that only one false alarm was turned in. [Princeton Alumni Weekly, March 19, 1954]
  • tonsil(n.)

    大约1600年,源自拉丁语 tonsillaetosillae(复数)“扁桃体”,是 toles “甲状腺”的小型化,可能源自高卢语。相关词汇: Tonsils

  • torcher(n.)

    "火炬手",约1600年; 见 torch(n.)。"火炬歌手"的意思在1940年被证实。