1902年,来自 free-lance(名词)。相关词汇: Freelancer(1898年); freelanced; freelancing。
1902年,源自法语 garage “车辆庇护所”,是一个通常意义上的“存放某物的地方”的特定用法,源自动词 garer “庇护”,也指“停靠船只”,源自古法语 garir “照顾,保护; 保存,节约,拯救”,源自法兰克语 *waron “守卫”或其他日耳曼语源(比较古高地德语 waron “照顾”),源自原始日耳曼语 *war- “保护,守卫”,源自 PIE 词根 *wer-(4)“覆盖”。Garage-sale(n.)首次出现于1966年。
Influenced no doubt by the success of the recent Club run, and by the fact that more than 100 of its members are automobile owners, the N.Y.A.C. has decided to build a "garage," the French term for an automobile stable, at Travers Island, that will be of novel design, entirely different from any station in the country. [New York Athletic Club Journal, May 1902]
1902年,"变成凝胶",源自 gel(名词)。比喻意义上的"聚集并且相互协调"始于1958年。相关词汇: Gelled; gelling。
1902年,源自日语 haiku,据说是19世纪末由诗人 Shiki 缩写而来,原意为 haikai no ku “滑稽诗”,最初是指一种即兴、机智的连锁诗的开场诗句。这种形式在16世纪中叶发展起来。“传统上,俳句中会提到一年中的某个季节,以此来确定诗歌的氛围,尽管这可能只是最微弱的暗示。”[米勒·威廉姆斯,《诗歌的模式》,巴吞鲁日:路易斯安那州立大学,1986年]。
1902年,来自 holster(n.)。相关词汇: Holstered; holstering。
"冰块,用于冷饮等",1902年,来自 ice(n.)+ cube(n.)。
One of the newest plans for the economical use of artificial ice has recently been patented by Van der Weyde, of Holland. The invention is based on the fact that two smooth surfaces of freshly cut ice when brought into contact at a temperature below thirty-two degrees will unite firmly. At a higher temperature the junction yields to a blow, and the ice breaks into the original parts. Van der Weyde casts blocks of ice into small cubes, which are stamped with a trade mark. These cubes are joined into a larger cube of any desired weight and sent out for use. The mark is a guarantee that the ice is pure, and the small cubes, weighing an ounce each, are easily separated into a shape convenient for use. ["Artificial Ice in Cubes," Lawrence Chieftain (Mount Vernon, Missouri), June 21, 1894]
最新的人工冰经济利用计划最近由荷兰的范德韦德(Van der Weyde)获得了专利。该发明基于这样一个事实:当两个新鲜切割的冰的光滑表面在低于32度的温度下接触时,它们会牢固地结合在一起。在较高的温度下,接头会因一击而松动,冰块会分裂成原来的部分。范德韦德将冰块铸成小立方体,并加盖商标。这些小立方体可以组合成任意重量的大立方体并发货使用。商标是对冰纯度的保证,每个重一盎司的小立方体都可以方便地分离成适合使用的形状。["Artificial Ice in Cubes," Lawrence Chieftain (Mount Vernon, Missouri), June 21, 1894]