hang on(v.)
home rule(n.)
Morse code(n.)
电报使用的字符编码系统最初是为了电报而发明的,到1860年,早期的 Morse key(1858年),以 Samuel F.B. Morse(1791-1872)的名字命名,他是美国发明家,于1836年发明了一种电报通信系统。他发明了记录电报和点划字母表。
Roman holiday(n.)
"从另一个人的伤害或死亡中获得娱乐或利润的场合",1860年,最初是指角斗比赛的假期; 这个表达似乎完全可以追溯到拜伦的《查尔德·哈罗德的朝圣》第四首(1818年)中关于一个垂死的野蛮角斗士的经常引用的段落:
But where his rude hut by the Danube lay
There were his young barbarians all at play,
There was their Dacian mother. He, their sire,
Butcher'd to make a Roman holiday!
so long(interj.)
“So long”是一种告别用语,起源不明,可能源自德语成语(比较德语告别用语“adieu so lange”,完整的意思可能是“再见,当我们分开时”); 或者源自或受到希伯来语“shalom”(通过意第绪语“sholom”)的影响。一些人注意到它与斯堪的纳维亚离别短语的相似之处,例如挪威语“Adjø så lenge, Farvel så lenge, Mor'n så lenge”,字面意思是“再见,这么长时间,再见,这么长时间,早上这么长时间”; 瑞典语“Hej så länge”,意思是“暂时再见”,其中“så länge”自1850年以来已经在瑞典得到证实,其意思与德语短语相似。词源来源似乎倾向于德语起源。副词“so long”意思是“这么长时间”,源自古英语晚期(swa lange); 参见 so。
早期的猜测认为它是水手对南太平洋阿拉伯语形式 salaam 的扭曲,但现在不再令人信服。《美国俚语词典》还将爱尔兰语 slán “安全”列为候选人,据说在分手时使用。
An unknown sphere, more real than I dream'd, more direct, darts awakening rays about me — So long!
Remember my words — I may again return,
I love you — I depart from materials;
I am as one disembodied, triumphant, dead.
The salutation of parting — 'So long!' — was, I believe, until recent years, unintelligible to the majority of persons in America, especially in the interior, and to members of the middle and professional classes. I had never heard of it until I read it in Leaves of Grass, but since then have quite often heard it used by the laboring class and other classes in New England cities. Walt wrote to me, defining 'so long' thus: "A salutation of departure, greatly used among sailors, sports, & prostitutes — the sense of it is 'Till we meet again,' — conveying an inference that somehow they will doubtless so meet, sooner or later." ... It is evidently about equivalent to our 'See you later.' The phrase is reported as used by farm laborers near Banff, Scotland. In Canada it is frequently heard; 'and its use is not entirely confined to the vulgar.' It is in common use among the working classes of Liverpool and among sailors at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and in Dorsetshire. ... The expression is now (1923) often used by the literary and artistic classes.
告别的问候语——“再见!”——我相信,直到最近几年,对于美国的大多数人,特别是内陆地区和中产阶级和专业阶层的成员来说,是不可理解的。我直到读到《草叶集》才听说过它,但自那以后,我经常听到新英格兰城市的劳动阶层和其他阶层使用它。沃尔特写信给我,这样定义“so long”:“一种告别的问候语,水手、运动员和妓女广泛使用——它的意思是‘直到我们再次见面’,传达了这样的推论,他们无论如何迟早会再次见面。”……它显然相当于我们的“待会儿见”。这个短语据报道在苏格兰班夫附近的农民中使用。在加拿大,它经常被听到; “它的使用不完全局限于粗俗的人。”它在利物浦的工人阶级和泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔的水手中广泛使用,在多塞特郡也是如此。……这个表达现在(1923年)经常被文学和艺术界使用。