

  • spondylolisthesis(n.)

    医学拉丁语,源自希腊语 spondylos(见 spondylo-) + oliothesis “脱位,滑脱”。

  • stereopticon(n.)

    "双重魔幻灯",在1858年产生了两个图像之间的溶解视图或三维感,给予图像物体的印象,这里的"stereo-"可能指的是"实体物体",可能基于"stereoscope",加上希腊语"optikon"的拉丁化形式,中性的"optikos",意为"与视觉相关"(源自 PIE 词根"*okw-",意为"看")。

  • subjectify(v.)

    1858年,来自 subject(n.)+ -ify。相关词汇: Subjectifiedsubjectifying

  • tain(n.)

    “薄锡片用于镜子等”,1858年,源自法语“tain”(17世纪),是“étain”(锡)的一种变体,源自拉丁语“stagnum”和“stannum”(含银铅合金),晚期拉丁语称其为“锡”(参见 stannic)。

  • theotechny(n.)

    in classical theater, the appearance of a god on stage in drama or epic; divine intervention, 1858; the elements are Greek theos "god" (see theo-) + tekhnē "art" (see techno-). Related: Theotechnal (1650s); theotechnic.

  • transactional(adj.)

    "of the nature of or involving transaction" in any sense, 1858; see transaction + -al (1). Also "taking place in reality." By 1961 in psychology. Related: Transactionally.

  • tri-dimensional(adj.)

    also tridimensional, "having three and only three dimensions," by 1858, in reference to space, in mathematical speculation; see tri- + dimension + -al (1).

  • twangy(adj.)

    1858年,来自 twang(n.)+ -y(2)。相关词汇: Twangilytwanginess

  • undecennial(adj.)

    "每11年发生一次",1858年,指太阳活动周期,源自拉丁语 undecim "十一" + biennial 等词的词尾。

  • unfunny(adj.)

    1858年,来自 un-(1)“不”+ funny(adj.)。