古英语 wull 指“羊毛,某些动物的细软毛发”,源自原始日耳曼语 *wulno(也指古诺尔斯语 ull,古弗里西亚语 wolle,中古荷兰语 wolle,荷兰语 wol,古高地德语 wolla,德语 wolle,哥特语 wulla),源自原始印欧语 *wele-(1)指“羊毛”(也指梵语 urna,阿维斯塔语 varena,希腊语 lenos 指“羊毛”,拉丁语 lana 指“羊毛”, vellus 指“羊毛皮”; 古教会斯拉夫语 vluna,俄语 vulna,立陶宛语 vilna 指“羊毛”; 中古爱尔兰语 olann,威尔士语 gwlan 指“羊毛”)。
比喻表达 pull the wool over (someone's) eyes 记录于1838年,美国英语。字面上的 dyed in the wool(1725年,与 dyed in the piece 相对)指的是在纺织前染色,当材料处于原始状态时,这种染色效果更持久; 因此,比喻意义“从一开始; 最彻底”,记录于1809年,特别是在美国政治中,从1830年开始流行。
也称 Woolworth's,通常指廉价商品,源自 F.W. Woolworth & Company 连锁店,该连锁店始于1879年,位于宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特。
woo woo(adj.)
Derisive term for things deemed pseudo-scientific or superstitious, by 1971. Probably from the moaning sounds traditionally assigned to ghosts; compare goetia. It could also be applied in noun form to a superstitious person or to the superstition itself (e.g. "I don't believe that kind of woo woo.")
In 1930s-1940s it was a term indicating sex appeal, usually applied to women; it was perhaps meant to convey the sound of a wolf-whistle in print, though it became a spoken term with a different inflection. By 1952 it was used in sci-fi stories by author Sherwood Springer as a term for a kind of attractive android.
"喝醉了的,头脑昏沉的",1897年,美国英语口语,是 oozy 的变体,意为"泥泞的",或 boozy 的改变。它在1896年被记录为学生俚语,但意思是"愚蠢的,落伍的",也可以表示"愉快的,令人愉悦的"。
古英语 word “言语,谈话,话语,句子,声明,新闻,报告,单词”,源自原始日耳曼语 *wurda-(源头还包括古撒克逊语、古弗里西亚语 word,荷兰语 woord,古高地德语、德语 wort,古诺尔斯语 orð,哥特语 waurd),源自原始印欧语 *were-(3)“说话,讲话”(参见 verb)。
“承诺”的意思在古英语中已经存在,神学意义也是如此。复数形式中,“口角”(如与某人“have words with”)的意思可追溯至15世纪中期。 Word-processor 首次记录于1971年; word-processing 来自1972年; word-wrap 来自1977年。拉丁短语 verbum sapienti satis est “智者一言足以解千愁”中的“A word to the wise”是指“忠言逆耳利于行”。Word-for-word “逐字逐句地”可追溯至14世纪晚期。口耳相传的“Word of mouth”(与书面文字相区别的口头交流)可追溯至1550年代。
It is dangerous to leave written that which is badly written. A chance word, upon paper, may destroy the world. Watch carefully and erase, while the power is still yours, I say to myself, for all that is put down, once it escapes, may rot its way into a thousand minds, the corn become a black smut, and all libraries, of necessity, be burned to the ground as a consequence. [William Carlos Williams, "Paterson"]
“表达方式、措辞选择”,显然是由弥尔顿在 "Eikonoklastes" (1649年)中创造的。来源于 word (v.) 的现在分词。