

  • tail-gate(n.)

    1868年,指车辆后部的活动板,铰链向下摆动并打开,来自 tail(n.1)+ gate(n.)。1950年扩展到汽车的后备箱门。动词(也是 tailgate) 意思是“跟车太近”,来源于1951年(“卡车司机知道跟车太近的做法,称为尾随”-“Popular Science”,1952年1月); 作为形容词,指停放的汽车的开放尾门作为聚会或野餐的场所,来源于1958年。相关: Tail-gating

  • tail-hook(n.)

    1861年,钓鱼术语,来自于 tail(尾巴)+ hook(钩子)。

  • tailless(adj.)

    "lacking a tail," early 14c.; see tail (n.1) + -less

  • tailor(n.)

    公元1300年左右,源自盎格鲁-法语 tailour,古法语 tailleor “裁缝”,也指“石匠”(13世纪,现代法语 tailleur),字面意思是“切割者”,源自 tailler “切割”,来自晚期拉丁语或古中世纪拉丁语 taliare “分裂”(类似于中世纪拉丁语 taliator vestium “裁缝”),源自拉丁语 talea “细长的棍子、杆子; 切割、嫩枝”。

    Although historically the tailor is the cutter, in the trade the 'tailor' is the man who sews or makes up what the 'cutter' has shaped. [OED]
    尽管从历史上看 tailorcutter,但在行业中,“裁缝”是指缝纫或制作“裁剪师”所设计的衣物。[OED]

    后期拉丁语的意义发展是“为嫁接而剪下的植物的一部分”,因此是一个动词,“剪下嫩枝”,然后是一般的“切割”。可能的同源词包括梵语 talah “葡萄酒棕榈树”,古立陶宛语 talokas “年轻女孩”,希腊语 talis “可嫁的女孩”(为了意义,可参考 slip of a girltwiggy),伊特鲁里亚语 Tholna,年轻女神的名字。

    Kent. ... You cowardly rascal, nature disclaims in thee; a tailor made thee.
    Corn. Thou art a strange fellow: a tailor make a man?
    Kent. Ay, a tailor, sir: a stone cutter, or a painter, could not have made him so ill, though they had been but two hours at the trade.
    ["King Lear"]

    裁缝是按照要求制作外套的人,与 clothier 相对,后者是制作现成销售的。Tailor-made 首次记录于1832年(比喻意义),字面意思是“重而朴素,注重合身度,几乎没有装饰”,指的是裁缝制作的女装,而不是裁缝师制作的。


    1660年代出自 tailor(裁缝)(n.)。"将(某物)设计以适应需要"的比喻意义可以追溯到1942年。相关词汇: Tailored(量身定做的); tailoring(裁缝业)。

  • tailor-made(adj.)

    by 1830 in the figurative sense of "made or shaped to suit" a person or situation, usually slighting.

    If we can in any way persuade the young ladies, that the highest trait of beauty they can possess, is a countenance of independence and sufficiency to themselves; ... smirking dandies, shop window loiterers, little puny, tailor-made, essenced time killers, will disappear as insects in summer are drowned in honey. [Greenfield, Mass., Gazette, May 11, 1830]

    Perhaps on the contemporary notion of a tailor as "one who makes outer garments to order," as opposed to a clothier, who makes them for sale ready-made. But the expression may owe something to Shakespeare:

    Kent. ... You cowardly rascal, nature disclaims in thee; a tailor made thee.
    Corn. Thou art a strange fellow: a tailor make a man?
    Kent. Ay, a tailor, sir: a stone cutter, or a painter, could not have made him so ill, though they had been but two hours at the trade.
    ["King Lear"]

    The later literal sense (by 1873) was "heavy and plain, with attention to exact fit and with little ornamentation," as of women's garments made by a tailor rather than a dress-maker.

  • tail-pipe(n.)

    还有 tailpipe,1757年,指固定在火枪臂上接纳通条的小管道,源于 tail (名词)与 pipe (名词)。从1832年开始表示“泵的吸入管”; 从1907年开始表示“汽车的排气管”。

  • tail-race(n.)

    1776, "part of a mill race below the wheel," from tail (n.) in a specialized sense "slack part of a mill stream" (1530s) + race (n.3). Extended to hydroelectric dams by 1953.

  • tailspin(n.)

    "飞机向下螺旋式俯冲",1916年,来自 tail(n.1)+ spin(n.)。比喻意义上的"失控状态"来自1928年。

  • tain(n.)

    “薄锡片用于镜子等”,1858年,源自法语“tain”(17世纪),是“étain”(锡)的一种变体,源自拉丁语“stagnum”和“stannum”(含银铅合金),晚期拉丁语称其为“锡”(参见 stannic)。

  • taint(v.)

    1570年代,“污染,弄脏”,也指“轻微地触摸,染色”(1590年代),源自中古英语 teynten “定罪,证明有罪”(14世纪晚期),部分源自古法语 ataint,过去分词形式为 ataindre “触及,抓住”(参见 attainder)。它还来自盎格鲁-法语 teinter “染色,染色”(15世纪早期),源自古法语 teint(12世纪),过去分词形式为 teindre “染色,染色”,源自拉丁语 tingere(参见 tincture)。相关: Taintedtainting


    大约1600年,“污点,斑点”,源自古法语 teint “颜色,色调,染料,污渍”,源自拉丁语 tinctus “染色”,源自 tingere “染色”(参见 tincture)。意思是“道德上的污点,腐败,污染影响”,始于1610年代。


    也有 'taint,代表着 it ain't 的口语缩写,出现在19世纪30年代的美国英语中。关于会阴部的笑话至少可以追溯到1977年。