"不允许吸烟",1905年; 该标志的措辞本身可以追溯到1817年。
Smoking is a vice to [sic] — and a national one, of such magnitude that railroad corporations throughout all their routes in the United States, have a special command in large letters, conspicuously placed at depots and inside of the cars — "No smoking allowed here." ["The Sailor's Magazine," December 1840]
吸烟是一种恶习 - 一种如此巨大的全国性恶习,以至于美国各地铁路公司在其所有路线上都有一个特别的命令,用大字醒目地放置在车站和车内 - “此处禁止吸烟。” 【《水手杂志》,1840年12月】
"与医院有关的",1849年(早在德国和法国就有了),源自于晚期拉丁语 nosocomium,来自希腊语 nosokomeion "医院",源自于 nosokomein "照顾病人",由 nosos "疾病,病症"(一个起源不明的词)和 komein "照顾,照料"组成。17世纪, Nosocome 是“医院”的一个词。
1782年,医学著作中,“与乡愁有关的,具有乡愁特征的或患有乡愁的”(在 nostalgic insanity 中),源自 nostalgia 和 -ic。现代较弱的意义是“唤起对过去的怀念和感伤的渴望”,始于1842年。相关词汇: Nostalgically。
"1782年,医学著作中" should be translated as "1782年,医学著作中," "与乡愁有关的,具有乡愁特征的或患有乡愁的" should be translated as "与乡愁有关的,具有乡愁特征的或患有乡愁的(在 nostalgic insanity 中)" "源自" should be translated as "来自" "现代较弱的意义是" should be translated as "现代较为普遍的意义是" "始于1842年" should be translated as "始见于1842年" "相关词汇" should be translated as "相关术语" -
1726年,“对回家或回到祖国的病态渴望,被视为一种疾病的严重思乡病”,这是现代拉丁语,由学者约翰内斯·霍费尔(1669-1752)在1688年在巴塞尔大学的一篇论文中首次提出,作为德语 heimweh "homesickness"的翻译(参见 home + woe)。
源自希腊语 algos "痛苦,悲伤,困扰"(参见 -algia)+ nostos "回家",来自 neomai "到达某个地方,逃脱,返回,回家",来自 PIE *nes- "安全回家"(与古挪威语 nest "旅行食物",梵文 nasate "接近,加入",德语 genesen "恢复",哥特语 ganisan "治愈",古英语 genesen "恢复"同源)。法语 nostalgie 在1754年的法国军队医疗手册中有记载。
[Dr. Scheuzer] had said that the air enclosed in the bodies of his countrymen, being in Æquilibrium with a rare and light air that surrounds them, was overloaded in lower countries with an air more dense and heavier, which compressing and obstructing the capillary vessels, makes the circulation slow and difficult, and occasions many sad symptoms. [Account of the publication of "Areographia Helvetiæ" in New Memoirs of Literature, London, March 1726]
[Dr. Scheuzer]曾经说过,他的同胞们体内封闭的空气,与环绕他们的稀薄轻盈的空气相比,在低地国家被更密集、更重的空气所压迫,这压迫并阻塞了毛细血管,使血液循环变得缓慢和困难,引发了许多病症。[ "Areographia Helvetiæ" 在新文学回忆录中的出版情况,伦敦,1726年3月]
到了1830年代,这个词被用来形容任何强烈的思乡病:海员的,罪犯的,非洲奴隶的。"风笛在苏格兰军团在海外服役时有时会产生同样的效果" [Penny Magazine," 1840年11月14日]。它被列在"实用医学百科全书" [伦敦,1833年,由三位医学博士编辑]中的"地方性疾病"中,定义为"那些离开祖国的人有时会产生的压抑症状,当他们被强烈的回家、回到朋友和青春时代的场景的渴望所困扰时...."
In the first two years of the war, there were reported 2588 cases of nostalgia, and 13 deaths from this cause. These numbers scarcely express the real extent to which nostalgia influenced the sickness and mortality of the army. To the depressing influence of home-sickness must be attributed the fatal result in many cases which might otherwise have terminated favorably. ["Sanitary Memoirs of the War," U.S. Sanitary Commission, N.Y.: 1867]
在战争的前两年,报告了2588例思乡病,以及13例因此原因死亡。这些数字几乎无法表达思乡病对军队疾病和死亡率的真正影响。许多本来可能有望康复的病例,由于家乡的压抑影响,结果却是致命的。["战争卫生回忆录," U.S. Sanitary Commission, N.Y.: 1867]
转义意义(主要的现代含义)"对过去的怀旧之情"在1920年被记录下来,可能源于法国文学中对 nostalgie 的使用。对远方的渴望也必然涉及到时间的分离。
关于一个提议的语系大家族,包括印欧语系、闪含语系、阿尔泰语系和德拉维达语系,1966年(Nostratian 来自1931年),源自拉丁语 nostratis “我们国家的”,来自 nostras “我们的同胞”, nostrum 的复数中性形式,来自 noster “我们的”,源自 nos “我们”(来自 PIE *nes-(2); 参见 us)。
大约1600年,“由秘密成分和秘密方法制成的药物”,但通常指“江湖骗子的药物”,源自拉丁语 nostrum remedium “我们的疗法”(或类似的短语),可能表示“由提供者准备”,来自拉丁语 nostrum,中性的 noster “我们的”,来自 nos “我们”,源自 PIE *nes-(2); 参见 us。在扩展用法中,“实现某事的宠物计划”(1749年)。
no sweat(interj.)
"no problem, that can be done without difficulty," U.S. colloquial, attested by 1953; see no + sweat (n.). Said to be originally military jargon from the Korean War.
The universal and all-inclusive word today is "sweat." It covers just about everything: "no sweat" means no trouble, no cause for worry, nothing fouled up, don't fret. "It's a sweat" means a patrol looks tough, or an order to dig some more trench is an outrage, or simply that everything is messed up as usual. ["A Frontline Picture No Camera Could Get," Life magazine, March 16, 1953]
否定词,表示否定、拒绝、拒绝或禁止的词,13世纪中叶, noht 的无重音变体, naht "绝不"(参见 naught)。作为一个感叹词,用来否定之前所说的话或揭示其为讽刺,1900年有记录,1989年在"周六夜现场"电视节目的"韦恩的世界"小品中流行起来。
Not, spoken with emphasis, often stands for the negation of a whole sentence referred to: as, I hope not (that is, I hope that the state of things you describe does not exist). [Century Dictionary, 1895]
Not,带有强调的说法,通常代表整个句子的否定:例如,我希望 not(也就是说,我希望你所描述的情况不存在)。[《世纪词典》,1895]
以 not know X from Y(one's ass from one's elbow, shit from Shinola 等)为构造在现代用法中可追溯到约1930年; 但与中古英语 not know an A from a windmill(约1400年)相比。双重否定结构 not un- 曾受奥威尔的嘲笑,但在英语中却是持久而古老的,米尔顿和盎格鲁-撒克逊诗人喜欢使用。