麻雀 (Passer domesticus),一种小型的棕灰色鸟类,起源于欧洲,但被殖民者广泛传播并在北美、澳大利亚等地归化; 中古英语 sparwe,源自古英语 spearwa,源自原始日耳曼语 *sparwan(源头还包括古诺尔斯语 spörr 、古高地德语 sparo 、德语 Sperling 、哥特语 sparwa)。
这被重建为来自原始印欧语 *spor-wo-,源自一个 *sper-(3)的词根,用于形成德语、波罗的海语和希腊语中小鸟的名称(源头还包括古普鲁士语 spurglis “麻雀”; 希腊语 sparasion “小型、类似麻雀的鸟”,是一种小型的名词形式; spergoulos “小型田野鸟”, psar “椋鸟”)。
The sparrow is a conirostral granivorous bird, whose food is principally seeds and grain, yet it has been introduced in many countries for the purpose of destroying noxious insects. ... It speedily becomes a pest wherever introduced, and seldom destroys noxious insects to any appreciable extent. It was brought into the United States from Germany about 1869, and is now probably more numerous than any single native bird. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
在英语中,用限定词来指代许多类似麻雀的小鸟(例如 snow-sparrow 指“雪雀”)。也用于形容小型、活跃、机智的人,尤其是伦敦的市井小民(自1861年起)。Sparrow-pie(1881)是那些变得更聪明的人的谚语。用于形容小型或劣质的事物。
Sparrowfarts(1886)是切谢尔方言中指“清晨非常早”的词语。被 sparrow-blasted(1650年代)是指被邪恶地打击(sparrow-blasting 是从1580年代开始的),但意义不明确。