


1550年代,“满足食欲的行为,使其充分满足”(现已过时)(Coverdale),源于英语 saturate(参见),或者来自晚期拉丁语 saturationem(主格 saturatio)“填充,饱和”的名词,是 saturare “填满”的过去分词词干的行为名词。

化学中的意义是在1670年代,“浸泡到不能再吸收为止”; “彻底浸泡液体的行为,被浸泡的状态”的一般意义是在1846年。1964年,它指的是电视屏幕上一种颜色调整的类型; 早在1878年,它就被用于色度学中的“强度程度”。Saturation bombing 是1942年关于盟军对科隆和其他德国城市的大规模空袭的说法,这个想法归功于亚瑟·哈里斯。

"Saturation bombing," dropping as much as fifty-one tons a minute, depends on clockwork precision and a gigantic organization behind the lines. In the famous German raid on Coventry, 225 tons were dropped over a period of eight hours. In the British raid on Hamburg on July 27-28, 1943, more than 2,300 tons were dropped in forty-five minutes. A single raid of this type uses more than 100,000 air and ground personnel. [British Information Services, "The First Four Years," 1943]
