“redundancy in words”,来源于1580年代的拉丁语 pleonasmus,源自希腊语 pleonasmos,来自 pleonazein “太多,多余”的含义,在语法上指“多余添加”,来自组合词 pleon “更多”(来自 PIE 根 *pele-(1)“填充”)。使用多余修辞不一定是错误的,有时可以有效地加强语气。正如福勒所写,“利用过剩修辞的作家必须根据他是否产生了效果以及情境是否值得进行评判。”
The first surplusage the Greekes call Pleonasmus, I call him [too full speech] and is no great fault, as if one should say, I heard it with mine eares, and saw it with mine eyes, as if a man could heare with his heeles, or see with his nose. We our selues ysed this superfluous speech in a verse written of our mistresse, neuertheles, not much to be misliked, for euen a vice sometime being seasonably vsed, hath a pretie grace. [George Puttenham, "The Arte of English Poesie, 1589]
第一种多余修辞希腊人称之为 Pleonasmus,“我称之为【用词过多】”,并不是太大的过错,例如有人会说 I heard it with mine eares, and saw it with mine eyes,“仿佛人能够用他的脚听到声音,或者借助他的鼻子看东西”。我们自己在写给我们的女主人的诗中使用了这种过剩的修辞,但并不会引起太多的反感,因为即使是肮脏的东西有时候也可以在适当的时候很好地呈现出它的魅力。